Chapter 8 | Mystic Falls, Here We Come

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*y/a I know, long title thing*

Lydia's POV

"O my god, we need him to get to the hospital!" I yelled as we saw him falling to the ground. "What the hell did Stiles or Miec- whatever do?" Malia asked full of confusion "Whatever he is, we need to beat him before he takes away my status as most powerfull being in Beacon Hills" Scott said. We tried to get Mason to the hospital I hope he is okay...

*y/a, wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, i am so bad at this :D*

~Next day at school~

Me Katerina and my Delightfull siblings were sitting in coach class with the pack watching us full of hatred and totallty vengefull. As I heard coach yelling "Tomorrow field trip to Mystic Falls!" Niklaus I thought by myself. "I guess Nik has some unfinished buisness there" Kol said. "Guess he wants to ruin the Scooby-Doo Gang's their lives, AGAIN" Katerina said bored, what cause us all to laugh so hard that the class was looking strange at us. After that, Scot and his so called pack were wispering, Gossiping about us.

Scotts POV

so we all agree visiting Deaton after school? I wispered. They all nodded. And from nowhere Stiles and hus friends were laughing about nothing? It was weird, why would he laugh? Why with them, we had to figure this out from the bottom. "Hey Scott, it will be alright" Isaac comforted me as I spoke: "It's just that, I trusted her, I let her in the pack. I brought us all in danger with the girl that knows Stiles. We were all just a toy in his twisted games, It's like...Like...." "Like he is void again" Lydia said, hoping it wouldn't be true."Yah that, or he himself is compelled" isaac said, Hoping it woulnd't be true as well. "probably, there is no way Stiles is that powerful, he is just a pathetic human" Jackson concluded. "But why, why would they want them" Malia asked. "I don't know, but we have to save him" Lyia said full of sadness, afraid to lose him. I CLEARLY didn't want him to join after what he'd done to us so I tried to convince them otherwise by saying "He did all of this to us, not to forget he almost killed Mason." "Don't we have to try, you're the true alpha.." Liam said holding his tears back. "Fine, But if he can't be saved we try to..." I hate to say it. "Kill them, We have to kill them McCall" Jackson already finishing my line. "Are you sure? because well..." Lydia started. "I know, it will kill my status as true alpha" I said in sadness. "WTF SCOTT?! NO I wanted to say: Because he is your best friend, how can you only think about yourself!" Lydia wisper-yelled. "Anyway, we have to go to Deaton, class is over." Liam said.

~Deaton. In the clinic~

Deaton began,, "Scott, are SURE he said that he was Mieczyslaw Mikealson. And his siblings came as well?" "Yes, of course, why?" I asked. "Because from what I heard, is he the most cruelst, most evil and most psychotic of them all...and if you angered him, even if it's s little, you all signed your own death" He answered. "Why is that" It was Derek. "Because he is the most powerful of them all, being a tribrid...." Deaton told us concerned "A whatt???" Isaac spoke. "A tribrid, being the only one of his kind...It's a combination between: Witch, Werewolf, and Vampire., not to forget he was also cursed somehwere in 1100..." Deaton told us. "Wait what, you want to tell us Skinny Defenseless stiles is a Mikealson? A powerfull cursed tribrid?" Derek asked. "Indeed, so let's hope it's all a lie" Deaton said not really convincing "Wait, how is he curtsed? what's the curse?" Malia asked. As Deaton answered; "He is void" "How do you know all this stuff about them?" Liam questioned. "Well, they are pretty famous in the supernatural world, very feared as well. When me and my sister were younger our parents Always told stories about the worst people living: The Mikealsons" "If they are so feared, why did no one tried to kill em?" Kira wondered. "I don't know exactly, No one knew that...., probably because they were to powerful for anyone to fight against, not to forget their whole sireline would be destroyed as well" Deaton answered "Hold up, what's a sireline?" Jackson asked, apperently preparing to kill them. 'It's all people who are turned by them or turned by someone who is turned by them, likea a family tree" "Great, a family psycho bloodsuckers" Malia Murmered. "okay thanks doc, we need to pack, tomorrow we go on a field trip to Mystic Falls" I said while leaving the place with the others, while I heard Deaton thinking out loud: "Mystic Falls, Where have I heard this before??"

~NEXT DAY at school~

Stiles/Mieczyslaws POV

"You Know Nik, if you wanted to go to Mystic Falls you could just say it, no need to bring a whole shool of kids there" I said. "If i didn't know any better I would say you became soft brother" "Bitch please, Me? Soft? It should be freezing in hell if I'd became soft. but what is it you wanna do there Nik?" "Just, it's that the Döpperlganger is back as human, and I wanted to created more hybrids" Nik said 'politely' "You mean, you want to make more minions" I laughed "Oh come on, not everyone here can create hybrids whenever he wants, Elijah and Freya are already here." "yah, and so is Caroline" *y/a, btw if you didn't know, hope is still a baby, idk how that is..but she is, and she is perfectly fine with hayley in new orleans and the Salvatore school isn't a school (yet) now its still a boardings house thing* "Maybe..., now speaking of her, could you maybe talk to her, you know help me out with her...Especially cause she really likes you and barely stand me. How is that even possible, you're way worse then me." Klaus complained. "Maybe it's because I didn't try to kill her best friends NOR her boyfriends" "GET IN THE BUS KIDS, WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!"coach yelled. "Have to go, see you there Nik" I ended the call *and yes, it was a call* we all walked towards the bus. When me, Kol, Rebekah and Katerina were sitting in the bus we heard the puppy pack talking "We can do this, we just dagger them with these stakes" I heard scott saying while he showed some ordinary stakes. You could clearly see Kol and Bekah enjoying the pack's stupidity. "And what if it won't work?" Kira asked nervously "It has too, I've seen alot of 'animal attacks' where someone is killed by a stake trough the heart. Plus we won of every enemy we came across. I'm the most powerfull creature in existince" Scotts dumb words caused us to laugh.

~Timejump + In Mystic Falls~

Once the bus parked in Mystic Falls Damon came out of the house 'Greating everyone' "Welcome to Mystic Falls, blabla, I'm Damon the owner of this Boardingshouse, there a few rules: 1 don't touch my bourbon, 2 don't go to the basement, 3 don't touch any alchol in here, that was pretty much it, actually." "You..." He looked at Katerina, "Hi Damon! Did you miss me?"

*y/a, that was it is long tho, and? please leave your thoughts and ideas here. And for my friend: Maybe Kat+Mischief will happen. i know its bad, but look trough my bad writing skills pls. its about the story :D/*

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