Chapter One

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Danielle Pov

I was on set of Legacies. We were ending season 1 then we'd be on hiatus until we get word of season 2 and the writing process starts. I was hanging out with my wifey Kaylee and her little sister Emery. I have 2 older siblings that are all in the same line of work, actors. Chris Evans everyone knows him as the great Captain America but I know him as my super dorky older brother that is in love with his little family. Then we have Troian the big sister U never knew much about. All of my siblings are much older than I am. When I was born Chris was off to college and Troian was starting high school where she was bullied a lot.

"Hey Danielle we are being called to set." Kaylee said and we both went to film one of the last scenes.


I was in my apartment that i shared with Kaylee and Emery in Georgia packing so I could head home after a long 10 months of filming. Then my phone rang it was Troian. That's weird we are all usually too busy to call. A simple text here and there like 'hey i miss you' but phone calls are rare, almost urgent something must be wrong.

"Hey whats up?" I said sitting in the living room. Emery was in the shower and Kaylee was in the kitchen making some food.

"Dad's gone." She said. It sounded like she's been crying.

"Gone what do you mean gone." I can't believe it. We lost mom almost 3 years ago and that was hard enough. I don't want to believe we lost him too.

"He's dead he had a um he had a heart attack and he didn't make it. They said he was out with some friends at in Colorado and now he just had one." She said and I immediately broke down.

"Does- does Chris know?" I said still not completely believing what I'm hearing right now.

"Yeah he said him and the girls will be down first flight he can get. Keegan and I booked a flight for tomorrow.

"I just finished filming I'll be as soon as I can." I said to her.

"Okay bye love you." SHe said

"Love you too." I said and hung up.

"What did the boyf's want?" Kaylee asked from the kitchen. She usually assumes it's Dylan cause he is the only one that calls me especially at this time of night. What she doesn't know is that I don't have feeling for Dylan anymore but I just don't have the heart to say anything right now.

"It was Troian." I said in a soft tone.

"Oh what's up why you sound so sad?" She said walking over putting my plate of food on the coffee table.

"My dad died." I said and immediately cried in her shoulder. "He had a heart attack." I said and cried harder. All she did was hold me then I felt a smaller pair of arms holding me. Probably Emery. They are literally the best people ever.

"I'm here for you. Whatever you need. We will both be there." Kaylee said.

"Can you guys come back with me please." I asked. i know Dylan won't be much of a support system right now.

"Of course whatever you need." Kaylee said and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on her laying on the couch.

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