Join The Party

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Well we're here!

The loud group of gamers talking come to a sudden halt. "So um, why'd we come here?" Tyler asked "Don't ask me I was just told to meet everyone here." Brian told very unimpressed by his friends lack of knowledge of why they were here. "Now boys I have the answer, we were invited by one of my friends in celebration of-something-I think?" Smii7y said getting very unsure of why the part was created in the first place. It was no ones birthday. No high subscriber goal reached, at least recently. So why were they here?

They took notice to the click of high heel shoes on the hard wood floor. A large door was swung open in stood a women wearing mostly red and she had dark brown hair. She seemed nice as she invited everyone in.

The night went on full of laughs as the ballroom echoed with loud talking and laughs. When the lights were shut off for a minute then lit back up. and a bowl of chips were replaced by neatly stacked deck of playing cards.

Draw one

Everyone looked at each other then at the deck. It gave off a strange vibe. Someone was about to ask about the voice and see if anyone else heard it as well. But the lights shut off once more and in place was a card.

Don't let anyone else look at your card.

They all took a look at there cards and kept them hidden in a pocket. Most had normal cards like numbers. But someone with an Ace card like Marcel said leave when you want.

The party has just started.

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