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beautiful voice
A story when
our pretty story
has turn into
black and white.


I imagined what happened if you didn't break with me and slept with her, our lives can be happier right?

I remember EVERY single detail of how you dumped me like I'm doll that can be dumped in the trash just like that.

I really noticed your differences.

We don't have those list anymore.

You don't even cooked for me,

No morning kisses,

Back hugs,

And also you never there when i need you the most.

You always come back home late and your really drunk that time.

You became to curse all of those gruesome things to me.

And i being a stupid person i am,
I believed that there is a reason of why did you acted like this.

Where is the taehyung that i know before?
The kind,cute,appealing guy that i met before was completely different.

It's like you just acting like you're the most kindest person in the world but you just like everyone else.

And that was the day you ended our relationship.

"Taehyung?" I coming out to the bedroom to him packing his bags and things that he can find,"taehyung what're you doing?" He looks at me suprised and he tries to avoid eye contact with me- I'm very curious of that time. Why didn't he tell me where is he going?
It's like 3 am that time and I'm sure that taehyung don't always go somewhere at middle of 3 am.

"Tae,where are you going?"
"Do i have to tell you?" I'm extremely surprised that time because that wasn't his voice. It was cold as ice."taehyung i said it again,


He looks guilty but at the same time he tries to said it,

"Im breaking up with you."
My hands were already shaking when he said that.

"What did you said?"
I asked him again.
"Heeseol! Please open up your fucking mind.I don't think that I can't do this anymore.
I love her. I fucking hate myself because i have to dating you to forget her but it seems like it's a waste of time."
I was very
Speechless and i laugh.

It was so funny right?

Taehyung look at me weirdly,
"Why are you laughing?"

I wiped up the tears and smiled at him,
"If you love her,then why you loved me like there's no tomorrow?
Im a piece of junk to you right?
Why did you dating me if you know that doesn't work?!"
I yelled at him,I don't cared that time,
I hit him with all my strength and he just pushed me away.

Then leave.

All i think was i hate him.

I hate him so much.

Because he's doing this to me.

He wants to forget her but he just can't.
Because his love to her is very strong and no one can't stop it.

Because she died.

So do he.

And he just using me to forget all the pain he gets when she's died but he just fucking can't.

That's why i hate him so much.

thanks for reading and voting!

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