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Zoe's POV

First, it was:

Oh, my freaking, flipping, shitting christ on a cracker.

The spoon.

That goddamn spoon!

It was spinning in the mug and no one was touching it! And then, it STOPPED! And then the coffee mug! The mug! It SLID around the damn table! All by its self. Again, no hands!

And then:

Oh, God...Troye...oh, no...

This is what was running through my mind, in a ceaseless loop, after I witnessed what I did and heard what I heard.

It was very cramped and a tad bit uncomfortable, trying to be low-key and unassuming while curled up in a ball on a bench behind two guys with super powers. But, my god, had I learned a lot. The fact that my knee was pressed so firmly into the booth back that it was aching was completely unimportant in light of the fact that these guys had information that I never knew I needed so badly until I slithered into the booth behind them and began to eavesdrop on their conversation.

My head was pushed-squashed against the wall, my hands steadying my balance, and I peeked with one eye closed through the narrow, open space that butted the booth I was sat in against the booth where Alfie sat. I breathed in and out, slowly, carefully, trying to be quiet so I could hear what they said, and also so they wouldn't hear me. Because that would be awful. If they caught me, I mean.

Cross fingers they didn't catch on.

I stared at the man with the electric-blue hair in wonder.

* * *

I had left my apartment, and Troye who was on the couch entertaining himself with my laptop and my lightening-fast internet, in search of caffeine and sugar-packed treats for the both of us.

Apparently, finding out you were a werewolf was exhausting, because after Troye and I – mainly me, but whatever – squealed about the blue-haired man whose kiss was like Jet Li, Chuck Norris, and Bruce Lee put together, I noticed that Troye's eyes seemed to get heavier and heavier, and his speech became more slurred.

“Troye,” I said, peering quizzically at him as he slumped on the arm of the sofa, “There's no blue-haired man with a lethal kiss in my apartment, and so no reason for you to pass out on my couch!”

“Zo,” he whined. He yawned hugely, and stretched before straightening himself. “All the Nutella is gone. I'm kind of hungry. Starved actually. You have any muffins?”

I stared at Troye, incredulous. That damn jar of Nutella had been brand-new, and I had just cracked the seal before I shoved a spoon into it and presented it to Troye. I certainly had only had that one delicious spoonful.

“Are you kidding me, Troye?” I asked loudly. He smiled handsomely at me, and wiggled his fingers in a so-so motion.

“Maybe a little muffin, then. I'm not starved, really.”

He's so lucky I love him and that he's quite possibly turning into a creature of the night, I thought snappily.

And then, off to SteerBucks I went.

* * *

I was in such a rush to get back to Troye, that I almost zoomed past Alfie without saying hello. But really, who can ignore that booming voice and big grin?

“Good morning, Zoe!”

He held the door open for me, and I ducked under his arm, turning quickly towards him to smile my thanks, before rushing off to the counter to order. When I got to the register, I found myself looking back towards Alfie because... well, it doesn't really matter, now does it, because he was not looking at me. I sighed, turning back to the barista, who gave me a fake, cheery smile.

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