Chapter Seven

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Bianca's P.O.V
"What do you mean 'Ben got kidnapped by Uma's crew'?," I exclaim.
"Well after he came down, we took our eyes off of him for two seconds and next thing we know, Harry comes out and says that they'll give him back if Mal goes to the shop, to talk with Uma," Evie said.
"Ugh! What I don't understand is why you came in the first place," I exclaim.
"What the worst Uma would want?," Jay asks.
"Oh I don't know. Maybe revenge. On Mal. Us. Auradon," I say, "Mal wasn't exactly the nicest to Uma. So we have to assume the worst."
"Bianca's right," Mal starts, "We have to be prepared, for whatever happens."
There's silence.
"So what do we do?," Carlos questions.
"I'm going to talk to the sea spawn," Mal says. She heads toward the door.
"Mal," I say. She looks back at me, "Be careful."
"Always," she says, then she leaves. I sit on the couch, head in my hands. The boys talking about something to do with Jane.
"Hey, Mal's going to be fine and she will get Ben back," Evie says sitting next to me.
"I know. I just. Ben and I got into a bad argument. And I hate how things were left. I just don't want anything bad to happen to him," I laugh.
She pulls me into a hug, "Sounds like you care about him a lot."
"Yeah," I smile.
"Almost like you love him, Bia," the room goes silent. "And don't try to deny it, cause I noticed it when we first came here," Evie said.
"I think we all did," Jay says.
"Yeah, Mal's the one who pointed it out," Carlos responds.
"Well did that put a damper on the plans?," I ask.
"I think, that we all didn't want to do this, you just happened to be the one that came forward first," Carlos said.
"So we're gonna need a plan. To get Ben back. Cause I don't trust Uma. We need to know what she's planning," Evie says.
"Don't worry. I got it," I say. I head towards the door.
"Where are you going?," Jay ask.
"I know a pirate who will help," I say, I walk out.
For awhile, I'm just walking around the Isle until I reach a small building. I walk to the side and see a broken window. I climb onto a grate and climb in. Tiny pieces of glass cut my hands. I land on my feet.
"Hello?," I call out, "Skyler?" I walk around the small room. Looking at the pictures that were pinned to the wall. Days of old, when it was two kids, who got separated by two gangs.
"What are you doing here?," I hear behind me. I turn around.
"Skyler I need your help," I say to her.
"Really? You need my help? You did well, when you were in Bore-adon," she spits.
"Sky. You know that when I have the chance you are coming to Auradon," I walk towards her, "That was always the plan. Since we were little."
"Yeah. I would work at sea. And you could be with the Gods and Goddesses," she gives a smile that's there for only a second. "But that is just a fantasy, B. It doesn't matter that you now live in Auradon. They will still see you as the villain kid. And Auradon, doesn't care about the kids on the Isle. They never have. We are stuck here. So you have that chance to have a better life. So keep it. I don't want it."
"Skyler. I can and I will get you a chance to live in Auradon. Out of the Isle. But I need your help. Please," I beg.
"With what?," She asks.
"Getting Ben back," I say.
"You want me to go against my Captain?," She looks in disbelief.
"I know what I'm asking. Cause at one point, we were both on her crew together. And she trusts you. I just need to know what she's planning," I say grabbing her hands. "So please. Skyler as my friend. Help me."
"Okay. Uma wants the wand. She wants to take over Auradon," she says.
"Oh no. We have to stop her," I say, "Come with me, help us stop her!"
"How?! Bianca, I could get kicked off my crew when this is all over! I will have no one!," She cries.
"You will have me! I'm not going anywhere, Sky," I tell her.
"But you will. The king came back for you. And he will not leave without you," she says sitting down, her sun kissed hands pulling on her dark hair.
"Then come with me," I kneel in front of her.
"I can't, B."
"But you can. Let's go!" I grab her hands and pull her up.
I drag her to the window and gesture for her to climb down. She jumps out and I follow. We look at each other and I hold out my hand out for her to grab. She holds it and we walk back to the hang out.
I throw a rock at the sign and the gate opens. I go to climb up the stairs but I feel a pull on my arm. I look at Schuyler to see her hesitate.
"Come on. It will be okay," I reassure her. She nods and we go up.
We get to the top and Mal is back, talking to the group.
"Hey guys," I say.
They look at me.
Mal glares, "What is she doing here?"

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