Angsty Story

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So this is for people who like reading stories that are more on the sad side. I don't think this will be that well done so rip, sorry in advanced.


Sadness, Depressive themes, talks of suicide, abuse, and more. If you're sensitive to things like this, then DO NOT read this story. If you are undergoing abuse or have suicidal thoughts, please know there is people that love you and you should find someone to talk to or vent to. Like one of my favorite Twenty One Pilots song's says, no one else is dealing with YOUR demons. Please don't do something you can't undo.

~Enjoy reading UwU~

   Crowley sighed softly as he sat in his chair. He looked out the window with a dull and blank expression. Things were always boring around here now since he was no longer needed to end the end of the world. Sometimes he wished he wouldn't have stopped it. There would be other things to do then like making sure everyone in Hell was unhappy and suffering. Like he did when he first got there. He got up and walked off to check on his plants. The sound of boots echoed down the narrow hallway as he walked into the medium sized room. The sound of trembling leaves could be heard as the plants all were terrified of him. He growled lowly as he checked each and every plant and paused in his tracks when he spotted a spot on a leaf. He glared at the plant, but he was so down lately that he didn't bother doing anything. He just shook his head and walked away.

   Things had been this way with Crowley because of Aziraphale. One night, Aziraphale and Crowley got into a fight. Some things were said that they both later regretted and Aziraphale stormed out. He was never seen after that of course. Crowley had no idea where he could be or if he was okay at all.

   He glanced over at the telephone and hesitated to give Aziraphale a ring. What if he didn't answer? What if he yelled at Crowley and just hung up after? Crowley still had to try even if it meant being told he was hated. He grabbed the telephone and held it to his ear as he dialed the numbers, one by one. He sat down and waited as he listened to it ring. There was no answer. He called again. Still nothing. Tears formed in his eyes as he gave it one last try. "...Third times a charm, right..?" He whispered quietly as tears rolled down. The line got picked up. It wasn't Aziraphale's voice, though.

   "Hello, who is this?" Crowley's eyes widened then narrowed as he realized who the voice belonged to. "Gabriel." Crowley growled loudly now as he felt himself becoming overfilled with rage. Even though both sides promised to not bother them anymore, they still did. Rarely, but still. Gabriel chuckled quietly. "Calling for your little boyfriend, huh?" Crowley became embarrassed at that. Of course he had feelings for the book-loving angel, but he would never admit that to anyone. Gabriel spoke again. "Sorry to disappoint you, but he doesn't want to talk to you. Besides, none of us have even found him yet." Crowley felt more tears fall down as he slammed the phone down, hanging up. He just sat there and wept silently. He wished he could find him.

   It was a stormy day as it poured down rain. Crowley walked outside and used his jacket to shield himself from the harsh rain pouring down. He called out Aziraphale's name as he walked around hastily. He needed to find him. It had been weeks since the fight. He remembered the look in Aziraphale's face when Crowley lost his temper. It was a look of heartbreak. Crowley started to cry again and curse himself under his breath. That's when he felt something on his wrist. He raised a brow and rolled his sleeve up. His eyes widened as he saw flowers growing on his arms. "No, no, no, no, dammit..!!" He cried more now. This was the reason the fight broke out.

   He was becoming bored so he went to Aziraphale to ask him to go somewhere with him. Aziraphale was putting away books when Crowley noticed a small scar on his wrist. He had yanked Aziraphale's arm to him and yanked his sleeves up. His arm was covered in cuts. He lost his temper, yelling and asking why he was doing this. Aziraphale just took it all and had ran off. Crowley ran now, desperate to find him before something terrible happened.

   After hours of searching and running, he heard sobbing. Crowley stopped running and walked to the noise. There, under a tree, sat an angel hugging his knees tightly and crying. Crowley approached him slowly, not wanting to startle him or see him as threatening him. "Aziraphale..?" Aziraphale tensed up and looked over at the demon. There was this look of shame and fright in his eyes as he looked at him. Crowley whimpered a bit as he kneeled down to the shorter angel. Aziraphale moved away from him some. "Aziraphale, I know you may not forgive me for my actions. I will understand that. I want you to know that I deeply regret for everything I said to you that night. I was just in a state of shock that you would ever do such a thing to yourself. I hope you can forgive me." Aziraphale spoked in a hushed tone. "It's okay. I was stupid to do it." Crowley gasped and shook his head quickly, making the angel look at him. "No, don't say that. You were just under too much stress and didn't know what to do. I'm here for you though, okay? Anytime you need to talk, I'm right here." He gently kissed the male's forehead. Aziraphale nodded slowly and hugged the other male. "Okay.." Crowley hugged him back and sighed. He picked him up and headed home.

   "Let me see your arms." Aziraphale held his arms out. The sleeves were just soaked with rain and blood. Crowley frowned as he cleaned the wounds and wrapped his arms up. He gently kissed his hand and hugged the angel again. The angel hugged him back and whined. "I'm sorry for running off." Crowley looked down. "Don't be. I was being an asshole to you." Aziraphale nodded and rested his head on the demon's chest. Crowley ran his fingers through his boyfriend's hair and hummed as he held the male in a secure embrace. "I will never let anything happen to you, you understand me? I love you too much to just let you get hurt or be hurt." Aziraphale nodded. "I love you too." Crowley smiled slightly. "Good."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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