Don't Stop Me Now

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{Spoiler's ahead SKsKSkK}





It was already about 11am when Aziraphale woke up from his sleep. He gasped as he realized the time and sat up. He had started sleeping in due to no longer having to worry about angel work like he used to. It had been almost a year after Armageddon was put to a stop. Earth wasn't actually that bad as it seemed. The soft male got up out of bed and got ready to start his day. He would need to rush down to his new bookshop. It was bigger now and actually had two floors. He was very proud of it. He got dressed in a hurry and grabbed his bag, heading out the door.

   The edgy demon groaned as he woke up. He had a major hangover now and his head was thumping so much it hurt to even look around. Everything was so goddamn br-.. Was this even his house? He slowly sat up in bed. Didn't look like his home. After a bit a random chick came in, only in his button-up shirt. "Hey sweetheart..~" She winked at him. He looked at her in disgust. "Oh bloody hell..!" He growled.  "Please, for lucifer's sake, tell me we didn't.." She laughed and shook her head. "No sugar, we were about to but then you called me some other chick's name and fell asleep on me. Hey, if you wanna continue we can..~" By now the chick had climbed on top of him. Crowley grabbed her waist and smirked sarcastically. "As much as I'd like that love, I'm not interested in ugly people when I'm sober." And with that, he threw her off himself and yanked his shirt off of her. He got dressed and got out of there as quick as he could. God, where the hell was he going to go now? Then he smirked.

   "Thank you for your purchase, make sure you come by again..!" Aziraphale smiled as the customer left. His business was going great, which was surprising. Sometimes people traded him their books for some of his or just donated books. Which was even better. He smiled more and leaned on the counter, watching the rest of the people in his shop. He had thought about possibly opening a small coffee shop inside here too. Maybe that would attract more younger people? They seemed to be more interested in electronics nowadays. He never could really get the hang of a thing called an "iphone." He was used to the old fashioned ones. His smile soon faded was he heard the sound of familiar footsteps. He turned around to see Crowley there. "Aziraphale..! Don't look at me so gloomy..!" He walked to Crowley and hugged him gently as Crowley chuckled and hugged him back. Ever since they helped end Armageddon, they had become closer. He liked this, of course he would never admit that. Same went for Crowley.

   "What are you doing here? I know you don't read books so.." Crowley frowned and crossed his arms. "Oh what? Now I can't just pop in and see my best friend..?! How cruel of you..!!" He began to be over-dramatic and make a scene. This caused Aziraphale's face to turn red with embarrassment and pull Crowley aside. "N-..No I never said that.  I just wouldn't expect you to be up this early." Crowley laughed and ruffled the angel's hair. "Oh funny. Anyways, since it's about time for lunch I was wondering if you'd like to go out and eat somewhere? You know, so I wouldn't look like a loner eating alone." Aziraphale rolled his eyes and smiled warmly. "Of course, I'll get the others to watch this place while I'm out. I'll meet you at the car." The male walked away to grab his bag an coat as the demon strutted out of the shop and went to his car, sitting and waiting. The angel finally got in after a while. He paused as he heard the song playing. "Queen still..?" The demon nodded. "You know it." Aziraphale sighed. "I tried listening to the band. It's not better then my classical music though." Crowley grumbled. "Bleh." He drove off to the nearest restaurant.

   The two sat at the table as they both ate quietly. Crowley huffed. "How can you eat that stuff? Sushi is it called? Doesn't it like, squirm around in your mouth? It is raw after all.." Aziraphale laughed. "No. Just because it's raw does not mean it's still alive. That would be mean to eat something still alive." Crowley snarled. "You see people getting eaten out all the t-" Aziraphale hushed him with his finger. "Please don't say those gross things. You know it makes me feel weird.." Crowley mumbled something under his breath. "Fiiiine." Aziraphale looked down at his plate, which was empty now. Crowley cocked an eyebrow. "Something wrong? What happened?" Aziraphale looked at him once more. "I-.." He stopped himself. He didn't know if this was the right place or not. "Can we go for a walk..?" Crowley was confused but nodded. "Yeah, sure." The two got up and left the place after paying.

   They walking around the park, watching some of the ducks swim around in the water. Aziraphale sighed and stayed silent the whole time, which was weird. Crowley glanced over at him. "I can tell there's something bothering you." Aziraphale nodded and looked at the male. "We need to talk." Crowley's eyes widened behind his shades. Was he ended their friendship? No, that's stupid. It..had to be stupid. "Y-..yeah ok sure." Aziraphale gripped his arms, trying to find the right words.

   "I have something to tell you. I wish this does not make things weird for our friendship and if it bothers you. Well, I understand." Crowley nodded. "..Go on." Aziraphale paused for a minute or two. "Crowley. I'm gay." Crowley's eyes widened more than before and he choked on his coffee, soon turning away and trying to stop coughing. "Y-..You're what..?!" Aziraphale whimpered softly. "I-..I knew you'd be we-.." Crowley cut him off. "I am too. Bisexual really, but I'm more into guys. They're much more cute to be honest. Like you." He smiled and pinched the angels cheeks. "O-..Oh." Crowley leaned forward some. "There's also something I'd like to tell you." Aziraphale tilted his head. "G-..Go ahead then." Crowley smirked and whispered into his ear. "I want us to be more than best friends." Aziraphale's face turned a dark red. "Y-..You mean..?" Crowley nodded. "I'm asking you out, cutie." Aziraphale went quiet for a while before smiling. "Fine, a date it is, handsome." Crowley smiled too. He held his hand out. "Let's get back to that bookstore for now shall we?" Aziraphale nodded and took the demon's hand as the demon held his hand tightly. "Okay." The two headed back.

{It was short ik, I may do more idk ;-;}

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