Chapter Three

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How Does It Feel

Jennie's POV

Frankly I thought she was just sucking up to me. I can't say I always see the light in people. I see what shows. And what I was seeing was Matt's new girlfriend, waking up before everyone else, and asking the pesky little sister of she wanted to hang out.

Ignoring my annoyance, I just shrugged and said "Maybe."

A look of shocked hurt flashed across her face, and she held that look momentarily before replacing it with one of disappointment. "Do you already have plans?" she pressed.

I actually had no plans at all. July, my closest friend, was out with her boyfriend whenever he wasn't committing a petty crime or cheating on her. I tried telling her he was bad news, but she never listened. Everyone else I knew judged me on the spot, thinking I was a spoiled rich kid, so I had no friends -- girls, anyway. I got occasionally asked out by guys, sufficiently. I just chose to decline most of them. I guess I was easy on the eyes, so if I was desperate I could get another boyfriend. But I didn't want one. Not again. Anyway, the point is, I don't have any plans at all this Sunday.

At least I hadn't had to suffer spending a day with any of his girlfriends. Personally, Chelsea was the only one I wouldn't have minded all too much. But she was always making out with Matt, or sleeping with someone else. She never bothered much with me. Didn't push herself to kiss up to Matt's little sister. But other than Lisa, the rest had just greeted me in the school hallways or bought me things that I could afford myself. Just regular things. They didn't invite me to use my free Sunday as a time to get to know me.

I sighed, and said "No, I don't have plans."

The corner of her mouth twitched, curving up in a half-smile. "Come on, let's go shopping or out to eat. It'll be fun."

I clenched my jaw, and as calmly as possible, slowly stated "Look, you don't need to suck up to me to get Matt to like you. I know the drill. I tell him you're amazing. He believes it. He likes you. Then in a week or two from now the relationship is over, and it happens all over again."

I know it was harsh, but I just didn't want to go around pretending with her and act like we're actual friends.

I half-expected her to freak out, insult me, or cry. You know, something a lot of girls do when someone gets snappy with them. So I was slightly confounded when she smirked, and let out a light chuckle.

"Trust me, I'm not one of those girls. You can tell Matt what you want about me, what you think and if, in your opinion, I'm right for him. You know him better than I do. I just think you seem like a good person to be around. That's all." With another sweet laugh, she added, "So will you go?"

I didn't know what to say to that, or whether to believe her or not. I had noticed right from the beginning she was different from the rest, but not this different. Who wanted to actually befriends with the annoying little sister?

"Fine," I said, willing to give it a shot.

Lisa grinned a glorious smile, the kind that makes her the center of attention. The type that makes everyone stop and turn their heads, or makes people want to know her or be her or just talk to her. It was the smile that made everyone go nuts. But not me. I didn't even see anything special in her smile at the time.

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