My orgins

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(Authors POV)
Hero's, when you hear about them you think about masked people who save lives, people probably seen cliche movies about how the hero goes against the villains and everything turns out great for everyone, the villains go to jail, you get the idea, well here's the thing, that's not the whole picture, all of the hero's and villains are females, confusing isn't it, well let me tell you a story about how a guy beat the odds, so get a snack, a drink, and maybe a pillow, (maybe) and let the story begin,

(Third person POV)
There was a young boy playing with his sister in the backyard, it was a beautiful day outside, sun shining, birds singing, flowers blooming, a nice gentle breeze, it was the perfect day to play.

Sis: come on brother, let's play!

???: I'm coming sis, the teenage boy said as he got out of the house to play with her

Sis: can we have a tea party, the little girl asked with hope,

???: yes we can sis, the teenage boy said as he got the things necessary for the tea party,

Sis: thank you big brother, the girl said as she hugged him as he then hugged her back lightly,

???: your welcome sis, he said as he then sat down after separating from the hug, let's have some tea shall we, he asked her.

Sis: that's right, the tea! She said and laughed comically as she then poured the "tea" (water) into his cup
??? Then took a sip of the water and played along, "that's good"

Sis: thanks, she said as her mom called for ???

Mom: Sirius, tell your sister that dinner is ready,

Sirius: coming mom! He said as he then stood up and picked up his sister as he walked inside,

Sirius: what's for dinner, he asked as he sat down at the table,

Mom: your favourite, a filet mignon medium rare, (it is amazing)
Sirius: thank you mom, he said as he then sliced a piece of the filet mignon and ate it, it was savoury and juicy, the food was delicious,

—————(Timeskip to after dinner)—————

(Sirius POV)
I finish eating my filet mignon and went to change my clothes for bed,

Me: thank you mom, i said as I then went to my room to change,

(tiny Timeskip)

I was then inside my room as I looked outside at the sky and saw that the stars were out,

Me: *sighs* I wonder what will happen tomorrow, I said mentally as I then turned off the light in my room and slept, unaware of something that will change everything...

The first of many male hero's [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now