Oh there was pain...

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A/n: Last time on THE LONE MALE HERO,
Sirius was back and had izuka and Katsumi as his girlfriends, he came back to school and the welcome back was less then friendly, Who going to be victorious, let's find out now,
(Sirius POV)
I then looked around and saw that everyone had there quirk activated, as I then sigh and began a longer then planned thing I was going to do, first I stop time, i then set up the classes on one side of the gym/gymnasium and set up dodgeball, secondly, I then wrote a letter explaining that if they won, I owe an explanation, and if I won I get enough time to go on a date with Katsumi and izuka, and thirdly that I'm doing this because I still believe in some form of fair play, I then made time go back to normal as they looked confused,

Me: there's a note near the centre of the gym, go read it and it will explain everything,
I said as I saw the student that I healed walked and grab the note and read it, and gave a look that says 'I agree'  and then walked back and showed the teacher the note,

Teacher: I agree, she said as she got to the sidelines and began the count down, all we needed was a bunch of crumpled paper that looks like a tumble weed,

Teacher: 3.... 2.... 1....

she said as she paused and then thankfully we seen that much needed tumble weed cliche, making me chuckle at the occurrence

Teacher: Go! Then the classes ran to get a ball while I just stayed there,

I then saw someone throwing a ball and I dodged it last second and saw it had some water on it and decided to use some aquakinesis (or however you spell/say it) and launch the ball pack while it was being propelled by a strong water jet and hit the girl,

(A/N: I can put that in, right? And just asking is it legal for you to hit a girl if you are the only male hero?)

The classes then threw the ball while I dodged the balls again and caught one while dodging them, making one of them go out and then they threw all of there dodgeballs and they stayed on my side, realizing that they messed up,

Me: it was at this moment they knew, they messed up, I said with a smug smile before using my telekinesis to throw the balls, as I threw one as well, mowing them down, I threw hard enough for them to know that they are out but not to hard to injure someone, and saw that my class, excluding izuka and Katsumi were left,

Me: so it all leads down to this, someone who was beaten down, against all of you...
I said as I then hacked into the school system, which was surprisingly easy and set the music to a specific song,

I then began my show down with my class and threw balls, dodging balls until there was one left,
student3: so how should we do it?
she said as she was full of determination, as I was full of vengeance,
Me: duel, ten paces...
I said as I put my back to her direction as she did the same as I choose the perfect song for the situation,

(A/N: I love that movie)

I then walked ten paces as did she before she Threw her ball as I dodged it, I then looked at her and saw that her eyes were full of regret,

Me: want to know something partner?
I asked her in a thick cowboy accent as the classes and her remain silent before she asked,

Student3:w-what is it,
she asked nervously as I smirk while the clock hits twelve o'clock,

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