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I took one final look at my closet and made sure that I had packed everything I needed for the rest of summer. My parent's thought I needed to "socialize with other teens" and "be open to new activities besides being in my room all day". What the hell do they even know?

Just because I worship too many bands with every fiber in my being, doesn't mean I don't socialize with other teens. Infact I've met so many amazing people because of my unhealthy obsession with The 1975, Black Veil Brides, Pierce The Veil, Blink-182 and Green Day. Now they're going to take the reason I'm still alive, my internet best friend Ameila. This fucking camp doesn't have any wi-fi, so I'm stuck with just texting her. No facetime. No social media. Nothing. Fuck. My. Life.

I don't pack so many pairs of jeans, since it's summer, and it's Florida. I zip up the last suitcase, and lug all 3 out of my room and meet my annoying family in the kitchen.

"Are you excited for your first day at camp?!" My mother practically beams with excitement.

"Over-joyed mother." I say as monotone as possible

"Oh don't be such a kill joy Em's"

Immedietly My Chemical Romance pops into my head but I resist blurting out the lyrics.

"I'm not being a kill joy dad. I just don't understand on how being forced to go to a stupid camp for the rest of the summer is going to "help me".

I brush my long, pastel, lilcac hair out of my face and tuck a piece behind my ear.

"I'll meet you guys by the car, I just need to make sure I got everything."

"Okay sweetie" My mother said in a sing-songy voice.

I pull out my phone and Facetime Ameila.

"Hey you purple punk bitch."

"what's up you blonde, bitter bitch."

We both laugh.

"I'm about to leave for that stupid ass camp. I just wanted to get one last facetime with you. This is the last one until this camp is over."

"I'm going to miss seeing your face Em's"

"I'm not. You ugly."


I hear the car honk, singnaling that I have to leave Ameila for the rest of the summer.

"Ugh, Am's I have to go. Bye I love you, please don't get sicker while I'm gone."

"Trust me, this cancer isn't going to beat me. I love you. Bye"

I hang up the Facetime, and slide my phone into the pocket of my skinny jeans. I fix my hair, check my makeup. Pack some ibProphen for my migrains, acid reducer pills, and lace up my converse, and double check to make sure I packed my Docs.

I put my suitcases in the trunk, slide in the backseat, plug in my headphones, blast some music, and try to get some sleep.


I wake up and we're at the camp grounds, and I can already feel my hatred for everyone growing. I see a lot of cute guys walk by, but I can tell they all care about their bodies way more than they care about aything else. which sucks. Because they're hot. What also sucks, is that I'm not hot. One guy really catches my eye though. He was standing alone, with a white singlet and black skinny jeans. His height really made him stand out to me. He looks like an asshole with his stupid Ray Ban sunglasses and eyebrow piercing. But an asshole I want to get to know. And do the dirty with.

I sign in while my parents get my shit out of the trunk. I try to be as slick as possible and make my way over to Mr.Asshole. Okay wow. I'm freaking out. The sunglasses are off and he's beautiful. GREEN EYES WOWIE WOW WOW.

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