Chapter twelve - Dobby

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Y/n pov

You walk towards Draco now that proper professors can take care of Harry.

The boy is groaning and clearly in pain.

"Draco?" you ask making sure he's awake.

"Y-/n?" the boy asks in a pained, short of breath.

"Here, I'll take you to the hospital wing, just on the count of three hold on to me to get up. Okay, One. Two. Three." You get Draco to his feet and help him into the Hospital wing and set him down on a bed. You are just waiting beside him.

"Thank you." Draco huffed.

"What for?" You ask sympathetically.

"Helping me up here. Staying with me." Draco says you sigh.

"I was worried about you. You shouldn't pull a stunt like that. Harry had the Bludger chasing you both." You explained gently.

"I had the faster broom." Draco growled.

"Speed isn't everything, quite clearly. What if you had gotten yourself killed?" You asked he suddenly considered this as if it was the first time. Like he considered how worried you were.

"Rest, I don't want you to hurt yourself even more." You tell him before Madam Pomfrey came in.

"I'll check up on him soon, good job bringing him straight to me." She said quickly working. She came back with a potion.

"Drink this, I'll help with the pain and help you fall asleep shortly." She told Draco as he slugged down the liquid.

"Ah!" You hissed. Your shoulder was starting to hurt, the adrenaline from getting Draco here must be wearing off.

"Dear, what's wrong with your shoulder?" Draco asks noticing how you went to hold it.

"Nothing." You say quickly.

"Let me see." Madam Pomfrey ordered. Not feeling like a fight, you did as she said and showed her your shoulder.

"Oh, Dear, it's clearly fractured and the bruising suggests in multiple places. I'll go get you something." Madam Pomfrey said turning to leave.

"It's really not necessary." You tell her.

"-" She was about t say something but was cut of by many Gryffindor's rushing in Harry to show her his arm. She speeds out muttering about Lockhart after giving Harry a bed to rest for now.

Crabbe, Goyle, Marcus Flint and another from the Slytherin team came and sat be side Dracos bed. You left him with a smile walking over to se how Harry's doing.

Madam Pomfrey came rushing in to see Draco groaning.

"Mr. Malfoy, stop making such a fuss you can go." She said walking towards Harry

"Out of my way! He should've been brought straight to me. I can Mend bones in a heart beat but growing them back." She droned.

"You will be able too won't you?" Hermione asks almost desperate.

"I'll be able to certainly, but it'll be painful. You're in for a rough night Potter. Re-growing bones is a nasty business." She explains pouring him some medicine and handing him the cup.

Harry takes a sip and spits it out immediately

"Well what'd you expect pumpkin juice?" Pomfrey cried.

She turns to you after you notice Draco had left.

"I'll get you something." Pomfrey says kindly.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year TwoWhere stories live. Discover now