Ch. 12: A Blades-ing Storm

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"Molly, I like that" Wade replied with a kind nod. "Ok Molly, can you please just tell me why you're after me? I promise I won't ask you anything else"

"Well, if I answer that, you may not have to ask me anything else, right?" she asked back, but Wade's pleading expression, and his charming manor, was a little more than she could take. So, she sighed and answered.

"It's my job, I hunt down and capture... people like you"

"People like... you mean people with superpowers,?" she really didn't need to answer for him to know. "Why?"

"I thought you said you wouldn't ask me anything else?" she smirked.

"Well, you didn't really give me a full answer, more like half of one" he giggled and she just rolled her eyes. "Look, why me? Why would somebody send you after me? What could I have done?"

"You tell me, they just say where my next target is and that's it"

"Wait, really? You don't know who they are or what they even did?" Wade asked in disbelief.

"Unfortunately, that's the nature of my job" she shrugged. "But if they sent me after you, then you must have done something bad"

Wade was even more confused now.

"But, all I did was take down a mob boss and his organization" Wade noted, and now Molly seemed just as confused as he was.

"Did you kill any of them?" she asked.

"No, of course not. I'm not a killer" Wade promised and Molly looked at him questionably. "Look, Molly, I'm not a bad guy, ok? I'm just a guy wanting to help out however I can, that's it"

Molly looked at him with intrigue, wonder, and admiration. But also, with question and confusion. She could tell he was being honest from the bottom of his heart, and she had to admire what he was trying to accomplish. She joined the military for similar purposes. But at the same time, it gave her the same questions that Wade had. If he wasn't harming innocent people, if he was doing so much good, why would they send her after him? They didn't send anyone after those other two heroes, and Molly was sure all the others she took on were all bad guys. So, why was this any different? It didn't make sense. Yes, he could have been lying, and she really didn't know Wade. But somehow, she knew she could trust him. She knew she could believe him.

Suddenly, their attention was stolen away by the sound of a helicopter approaching. Actually, it was two helicopters. That, and they could also hear vehicles rushing in from down below. They weren't too far from the edge, so Wade was able to see the number of military vehicles rolling in with intensity. That was before he was blinded by the spotlight the army chopper had shined on him.

"Just stay there and please don't follow me, ok?! I do not wanna fight you!" Wade pleaded with Molly, before releasing her and running off.

Molly slid down to the floor once she was released. She then watched as Wade attempted to escape from his hunters. Part of her wondered what had just happened, and another part wondered why all of this was happening. She had never seen this type of protocol before, and it looked like madness. What was going on?

Wade made it to the side of the building where the fire escape was, the light from the helicopter following him until he went down the fire escape. The second helicopter however was already in the area, able to shine a light on Wade as he climbed down. Once they started giving him orders over the speaker, Wade knew he would have to disappear. With the helicopter on him and the ground troops waiting downstairs, he had no other choice but to go inside the hotel. Wade smashed his knee through the window and crawled inside. He glanced around the room he entered to make sure there was nobody around. It was one of the guest bedrooms and it was empty. Wade needed to find a way to sneak out of here without anyone catching him, and he couldn't do that in the suit he was wearing. However, there was no way he could leave it here and risk someone finding it, especially the staff. He needed to find a way to sneak out without being caught, but also a way he could sneak out with all his belongings. He needed to think fast on how he could because it wouldn't be long before they arrived. He also figured he could do it while keep moving. He walked past the bathroom and noticed how dirty it looked. He thought they should call up housekeeping or a janitor.

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