School... what a drag

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All in all, it had been a pretty normal day. Far to normal. That is, considering the fact that this blonde boy was the host of a fox demon, a ninja, and gay. So yeah, for Naruto Uzumaki, it was a pretty normal day. Get up, eat Ramen – mmmm Ramen – Thai on his headband and head to the Academy. Currently, he was walking down the dirt road on his way to the academy. A girl about his age stepped out onto the road. Naruto raced to the pinkette.
"Hey Sakura! You look awfully pretty today!"
The young girls face lit up, she squealed, and raise towards our favourite whiskered blonde. Just when she was a step away, she's there to the left, running past Naruto to latch onto a dark-haired boy. Naruto used to like Sakura, he really did. She was pretty. She could light up half the world with her smile, and honest to God, he'd never felt that way about a girl before. Now, he was just desperate to make a friend. The feelings had subsided once he realized how positively desperate Sakura was to get Sasuke Uchiha's attention. About a month after that, Naruto had caught himself staring at his classmate keep as ass. He rushed home, beet red and skipped the next day. For seven weeks he's been teased about being gay because his classmates saw him blushing at Kiba. Kiba had been disgusted when he found out, and wanted to be homeschooled. After those seven weeks, Naruto worked up the courage to ask his abusers what gay meant. They laughed and explained to him that it meant a boy wanted to make out with a boy. Naruto cringed at the memory continuing on his way. Similar to what happened with Sakura the feelings for Kiba head soon dispersed, along with the suspicions that he was gay. He decided that it would be better to keep that little fact to himself.
As he strolled into the schoolyard, Sasuke shook Sakura off his arm. Naruto scowled. That was one arrogant boy. Naruto gathered up his ego, made himself look taller, and strolled over to the dark-haired boy. Currently, Sasuke sat under a tree, the morning sunlight casting a beautiful pattern on the Dooley grass. It took all of Naruto is courage not to grin like an idiot as he breathed in the cool, spring air. Sasuke sad emotion less as the girls surrounded him. Naruto recognized four of them. Sakura, Ino, Hinayana, and Tenten. Hinayana and Tenten were more chatting with each other than swooning over Sasuke though. All in all, about 13 girls were in the area. Naruto took care of that. It seemed that even the famous douche couldn't keep the girls around while Naruto was. Sasuke didn't look up from his Kunai.
"What do you want Dobe?"
Naruto rolled his eyes.
"How come you're always such a coldhearted dickhead Teme?"
Sasuke's head snapped up.
"Hey. You shouldn't say that, didn't your parents teach you any manners?"
Naruto grimaced, his features darkening.
"No! As a matter of fact I don't have any parents! No parents, no friends, no one there to teach me manners!"
Sasuke stood up, walking past the fuming blonde.
"Well that makes two of us."
"Tch, Teme."
"Dobe." Sasuke strolls inside, taking his seat by the window next to Neji. Naruto stocked in after him, sitting alone at the back. When Iruka walked in, he was confused at the silence.
"Did Naruto skip today?"
"No sensei, he's right here." A boy called Shikamaru Nara called. Iruka looked to Naruto's seat to see the boy moping.
"Naruto? Is everything all right?"
Naruto stood up, pointing at Sasuke.
"No! Everything is not all right! Wanna know why?! Because that douche bag is totally jealous and won't stop bugging me!"
Iruka sighed. "I should've known. OK no hotel, take your seat."
"But Iruka-sensei, he-!"
"No but's! Sit down so we can start today's lesson on Kekkei genkai."
Naruto ground sinking down in defeat. Shikamaru was long-since passed out on his desk, while Kiba Inuzuka, beside him played with his familiar, Akamaru. Of course, Neji Hyuuga, Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuuga, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, and Sasuke Uchiha payed absolute attention to the lesson. Shino was actually surprisingly interested. Naruto sat, staring out the window and watching a pair of birds dancing in the tree on the school grounds. The first, a brightly coloured orange bird with yellow tail feathers and wingtips, began to chirp and pack at the other, this one a deep blue (pretty much black) with iridescent blue tail feathers and wingtips. As the bright bird continued to provoke the dark one, said dark bird (whom Naruto mentally dubbed Sasuke chirpy) sang a low note. A warning that the orange bird (whom Naruto mentally dubbed Naru-chan) took as a challenge, and began to flutter frantically and sing in high, exited notes. Sasuke trip he took off from his perch, and the two birds flat together, starting up and down on the currents of the wind.Finally tuckering themselves out, both birds settled on a branch, huddling close. Naruto sighed.
"I wish I had a friend like that."
"Those two are mates." A dreary voice explained.
Naruto yelped, turning to face Shikamaru, who had turned in his seat in front of Naruto to follow his gaze out the window.
"They're a special breed of bird native to Konoha. We call them Dracoluniars (dray-co-loo-knee-ers). Dragon of the night, because typically, they're a dark, midnight blue with those blue feathers on the tail end wings, said to be the colour of dragon fire before it's exposed to oxygen."
"So then, what about the bright one? And why are they only native to Konoha?"
"Dracoluniars are a crossbreed. Starling and nightingale. Generally, the birds are coloured more towards the Nightingale spectrum and built to match the Starling. Another reason we call this bird a Dracoluniar, is because when dragons combine their compressed flame with oxygen, they exhale regular fire. Well, every now and then the starling genes (which act as the oxygen) Combine with the nightingale genes (the compressed flame) in a certain way, and a fiery orange and yellow bird is born. They actually weren't bred by humans though. To this day it's a mystery how they knew, but 100 years ago, it's recorded that both species of bird were dying off. A month later, another recording states that a bright bird was found in a nest that the recorder had seen both a Male starling and a female Nightingale at. Throughout the years, these birds have been studied carefully. Only about one in 3000 of these birds are orange. You will probably never see another one again."
Naruto nodded, then his eyes widened.
"Wait, you said those two were mates?!"
Shikamaru nodded lazily.
"It's a strange one indeed, but that was a mating dance. The female provokes the male Until he retaliates, and then they compete and tease each other. If the female wins, she moves onto the next male, and since they only mate once a year, that male doesn't meet until next year. If the male wins the competitions, then vice versa, the female doesn't mate that year. However," Shikamaru nodded to the content, snuggling birds. "If the score comes up even, the birds will mate."
"So, uh... Do they do this every year?"
"Yes, but every year the birds will go to the place where they met their first mate. They don't exactly mate for life, because of one loses the other will find another mate for that year, but the next year they'll meet back here to compete again."
"Okay." Naruto's cheeks were dusted pink. "Good to know." He was actually really getting into this.
Shikamaru tilted his head.
"There's an exception."
"To the mating process. How could I forget? The orange ones are an exception. They are extremely loyal. Their instincts are different."
"What do you mean?"
"When the orange bird meets up with their first mate, they perform the competition. However, if they lose, they sort of 'deem' Themselves not worthy. They won't make a nest that year. They'll find a clearing or field, and wait for it to snow. Then, they freeze to death. That could be why they're so rare."
"Woah! I didn't know birds could commit suicide." Naruto looked back to the birds. "You're safe, for this year." He whispered.
Opening his mouth to ask shikamaru a question, Naruto turned to see the lazy boy passed out cold on his desk. Turning back to the window, he pondered his question. 'If they're so loyal, What would Naru-chan do if... if Sasuke chirpy were to die?'
Hearing his name drew his attention to the class.
"For the class assignment you will be partnered with Sakura." He beamed.
"Alright!" Sakura drooped.
"And Sasuke." Iruka finished.
"Huh? No way!" Naruto yelled, standing up.
"Yessss!" Sakura pumped her fist in the air.
"Hn, got a problem Dobe?"
"Hell yeah I do! There's no way I am doing any project with you!"
"And why not?"
"Because! You're are a mean Teme, who only cares about himself! You're arrogant, obnoxious, and aggravating!"
Sasuke waited for a moment.
"Where did you learn those words?"
"From the village." Naruto huffed, crossing his arms.
"You shouldn't eaves drop on adult conversations. You'll learn some vulgar language."
Naruto visibly flinched.
"What?" Sasuke cocked his head to the side, ignoring the fact that everyone had their eyes on the two boys.
"T-that word"
"Vulgar?" Another flinch.
"They call me that... Among other things. Vulgar child. I don't even know what it means... But, but the look in their eyes when they say it..." Naruto glanced around "That damn look! Why do you all look at me like that?!" Naruto fisted his blond locks. "They always look at me like that! When they call me names. When they hit me. When they...
When they.."
How was that? I really hope you enjoyed it. Please comment as well! I love to read them! Feedback is always welcome, and grammar Nazis, go ahead! I love you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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