💐💙The Long Sleepover💙💐

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Sorry I forgot to put a sweat warning. If you don't want to continue reading that's fine. Enjoy!
Colby's POV-

After she grabbed the two bags we walked back to the house. I didn't want her to get hurt... I didn't want her to leave. "Hey if this psychopath doesn't go away you can live with us if you'd feel comfortable with that?" She looked at me and smiled. I took that amazing smile as a "yes". God that smile is fuckin' cute! We walked back inside and since the boys didn't get a chance to properly meet Y/N let's introduce them. We walked inside and I heard Sam talking about her. "Hey um guys I want you to meet Y/N, Y/N meet Sam, Elton, and Corey I'm not sure where the others are." Corey then said, " their out getting stuff at the store." "Thanks Corey, and um Y/N might be staying awhile if curtain things happen." The nodded and shook her hand, well half of her hand considering the bag in her hand. After that we went upstairs to get her things settled for a few weeks. I put my pants and shirts together to let her put the stuff she has away.

Your POV-

he moved a space in two drawers for me to put my clothes in. I smiled and put my clothes away. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. He melted into me and wrapped his arms around my waist (not sexually or anything) we hugged for a good 2 minutes, it felt too short though. He asked me, " what would you like for dinner? I'm cooking tonight." I had to sit and think , " hmmmm, I would like *favorite food*." He nodded and walked downstairs, I followed because i didn't want to be alone. Colby went in the kitchen to make dinner and I went and sat on the couch to see what they were watching. I sat next to Sam because he didnt take up so much room like Corey and Elton, he smiled and went back to whatever they were watching.
Colby's POV-

I started making *favorite food* I kept looking up to see Y/N and Sam getting... too close. My trance was broken when Griffin, Aaron, and Jake walk in. Everyone said hello and even Y/N, I watched her get up and shake their hands. Jake looked at Sam then back to Y/N considering Sam and Kat broke up a few weeks ago (they obviously didn't but it happens in this) I wish they didn't though. Jake then smirked at Sam and Y/N rolled her eyes at him. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and cut my hand open with a knife. I jolted back and grabbed a paper towel to stop the bleeding but I think I needed stitches.

Your POV-

I saw Colby grab a paper towel and I saw a lot of blood. "COLBY!" I screamed and ran over to him and grabbed his hand to look at it. It was bleeding pretty bad so I grabbed Colby's keys off of the table and walked him to the car.

//time skip 5 minutes later as they arrive at the hospital//

We ran into the hospital and got a doctor, the doctor said he would need at least 5 or 6 stitches. The doctor let us go to the room with Colby to see him. He got the stitches and the doctor told us we'd need to come back in 3 or 4 weeks to get the stitches out. I made sure to mark it down somewhere. We went back to the house and I would NOT let Colby finish it. Aaron was the only other one who would make it since the others were "busy". As Aaron was finishing the food to cook it Colby looked a little mad or upset? He was going upstairs so I tried to stop him to see what was wrong. "Colby... COLBY!" I screamed his name to were the others could hear it loud and clear. He stopped.

Colby's POV-

I wanted to be alone right now. She probably doesn't even care that I need her, or I want her. I turned around about to hit a wall. "What do want!" I shouted. She jumped back a little scared everyone stopped what they were doing to watch what was happening. Even Aaron stopped. I looked into her scared dull E/C eyes. I felt regret... only regret. "Y/N I'm sorry.." I almost fell to the ground crying.... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!

your POV-

He looked like he was about to cry his eyes out. I hugged him and tight. All I could think of was my brother.. before he passed. He would apologize for the littlest things like raising his voice, or talking and a lot of other things. I started crying at those thoughts. My eyes became puffy and red, Colby pulled away and wrapped one arm around my shoulder to let me go upstairs with him. I could feel EVERYONE'S eyes on us. Colby and I went to his room and shut the door. I plopped on the bed restless, i got underneath the covers and so did Colby. I snuggled close to him as he wrapped his arm around my waist and we fell sound asleep.

🌸💐I didn't really know what to do with this story so here's this I hope you enjoyed it. I decided I wanted to make another part so now at almost 3:30  in the morning I finished💐🌸

Word count: 960

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