🕸Do I Matter?🕸

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//time skip to the next day//

Your POV-

I got all my stuff set up in the room by Colby.  I was so excited for our date for tomorrow that I hit my table by my bed, I guess Colby heard because he came in a little after I did. "You ok?" I smiled and giggled a bit, " yeah I'm ok I just hit my foot on my little table." He chuckled a little and hugged me. We pulled away and he left my room. I kinda wish he stayed here with me. I finished setting everything up and walked downstairs. I saw Sam and Elton sitting down in the kitchen, I grabbed something in fridge and sat down in the living room. Colby then came downstairs after a few minutes, I finally finished what I was eating and went to the kitchen to put my plate in the sink. Right as I reached the kitchen Elton and Sam walked back upstairs to their rooms or something. I put my plate in the sink and then I felt arms wrap around my waist, I obviously knew it was Colby.

Colby's POV-

I really wanted to be around her right now. Last night... did I actually ask
Y/N on a date? I needed to know if it was a dream or not. I waited until Elton and Sam walked upstairs or somewhere else. After they left I wrapped my arms around her waist as she stood in front of the sink. She turned her head and kissed me on the cheek. I wasn't dreaming! I smiled and leaned my head on her shoulder. I heard someone walking down the stairs, I quickly pulled away acting like nothing happened. I didn't want anyone to know we were a thing yet, I didn't know how they would react. Sam was the only one who knew we were a thing, since he's my bestfriend he respected my decision. I saw Aaron walk downstairs and into the living room and turn on whatever weird movie or show. I walked over to the living room and sat to watch the weird movie or show with him. I didn't turn to see Y/N. I wanted to, but Aaron started talking to me about the movie or show.

Your POV-

After Colby walked away I started to tear up. Tears then fell from my eyes, I ran up the stairs and shut my door. I sat on my bed to try and think. Did I even matter to Colby? Am I just a toy to him? I started to cry louder and more. Sam then walked in because heard a lot of noise. "Y/N? Are you o-"
He saw me look up with red and puffy eyes. "Just leave me alone..." I cried more, I felt bad for Sam. He didn't like seeing me upset. "Y/N, tell me what's wrong." He sat next to me and put his arm around me to try and comfort me. "Well, I was putting my plate away as you and Elton went upstairs and Colby was holding me and cuddling me, Aaron then was walking downstairs and Colby quickly stopped and acted like nothing happened and just ignored me and started watching TV." Sam then realized why I was upset considering the look on his face.  " Y/N?" I looked up at him, " yes?" He looked me right in the eyes and asked, " do you want to watch TV with me?" I agreed and we walked to Sam's room to watch TV. He let me pick what I wanted to watch, I picked *Favorite Movie or show* after a bit I started to feel sleepy, I then fell asleep on Sam's bed.

Colby's POV-

I felt horrible for leaving Y/N like that so I decided to check on her. I stopped at her door and it was shut and I didn't hear a word. I walked in and turned the light on, I didn't see her at all. I got worried and decided to ask Elton because his room was closest. "Hey Elton?" He turned his head, " yeah?" I looked around his room, " have you seen Y/N?" He looked at me in confusion, " I heard her and Sam talking out in the hall, you should check with him." He turned back around to edit his video. I walked over to Sam's room and opened the door. Sam then whispered to me, " Colby, she fell asleep and she's not my girlfriend." He put his hands up like a swat team was surrounded around him. I picked Y/N bridal style and carried her to my room. I laid her down on my bed and pulled the covers over her. I shut my door and laid down next to her. I turned over to face her back, I wrapped my arm around her waist like I did in the kitchen. She turned and I faced her, I wrapped my arm around her waist yet again. She dug her head into my chest and we both fell asleep.


💗hey guys so this part is shorter than the rest. The next part is going to be about the date and maybe some smut. Idk yet so enjoy this. I'm going to add the word count at the bottom now so I'm going to go back and put the word count.

Word count: 905

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