Hey Jack!Jack😝
Hey Brooklyn. Didn't thought you
were still texting me😂Brooklyn🙂
Well you you sounded very friendly and I need new friends anyway😂Jack😝
Why do you need new friends?😂Brooklyn🙂
Well..... idk😂 But I just want some new friends😂Jack😝
Haha good reason😂Brooklyn🙂
Ikr😂 Can I see how you look like?😊Jack😝
Well idk. I'm not that pretty😕😬Brooklyn🙂
I don't believe you! You are probably really pretty! I will send You how I look like first okay?Jack😝
Okay but don't laugh at me when you see
me because I'm really not that pretty😅Brooklyn🙂
Omg, I'm nothing compared to you😓😍Brooklyn🙂
You probably are just send a photo🙏🏼Jack😝
Omg! Why are you saying that you are not pretty! You are really pretty😍Jack😝
I'm not😂 But I gtg because my friends
are coming over! I will ttyl☘️Brooklyn🙂
Okay! Ttyl😊I hope you liked it!
And I think Jack is really pretty but it is for the story😂❤️
Who's lane are you in?😊
Can't wait for the dynamite EP😍
Let me know what you think!
-xxx- Bella
Wrong Number ~ Jacklyn
FanfictionWhere Brooklyn thinks he send a text to Rye but send it to the wrong number. ALSO RANDY IN IT!!!