Did everyone sleep well?Rye🐝
Yes I did😂Sonny☀️
Where is Jack😂Andy🌵
Probably still sleeping😂Brooklyn🙈
Does he sleep that long?😁Mikey👾
Not always😂Andy🌵
I will text him😝Private
Wake up!!Andy🌵
Why are you still sleeping!Jack☘️
Couldn't sleep that well😓 So stop waking
me up😒Andy🌵
Why couldn't you sleep?Jack☘️
Nothing to worry aboutAndy🌵
Well I always worry about you and I got reasons❤️Jack☘️
I had a mental breakdown okay?!Andy🌵
You okay? I will let you sleep and text you later! Stay safe❤️Jack☘️
Yeah, I'm good now! Thanks ttyl❤️Groupchat
He didn't sleep well that's whyMikey👾
What means mbSonny☀️
Is he okay?Andy🌵
Yeah he is okay😊Harvey😎
Can I know why?Mikey👾
Can I text him or do I need to wait?Andy🌵
He is sleeping again so 😂Sonny☀️
I gtg bye!Brooklyn🙈
Can I know what means mb?😬Mikey👾
I will ask Andy and Jack but you can't
tell Sonny neither BrooklynHarvey😎
Okay!Groupchat (Andy, Jack, Mikey)
Harvey wants to know what it means and he promised he wouldn't tell Brooklyn and Sonny. So can I tell him or not?Andy🌵
Well I think you can but it is about Jack so he needs to agree😬❤️Jack☘️
Sure, I trust Harvey but if he tells someone
he is going to die😂Mikey👾
I can tell you but you need to promise to
not tell anyone because Jack said he will
murder you if you do😂Harvey😎
I promise because I'm to young to die😂Mikey👾
Mb stands for mental breakdown and Jack
has a lot of them because he was in
a depression a few years ago and because
that he got into a eating disorder. Later they diagnosed that he was bipolar and that the reason was for his depression and mood swings. That's why he is so insecure about himselfHarvey😎
Oh! How did he got into a depression?Mikey👾
When he was younger he had social
anxiety and a panic disorder and that
made him really insecure. He once had a
attack in the hallway at school and
people started to laugh and
he started to hate on all these things and when he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder it only made him hate these things more than he already did and that
made him hate on himselfHarvey😎
Omg, but there is nothing wrong with him. He seems like a nice guy!Mikey👾
He is! And he is now out of his depression
but sometimes he still has mental
breakdowns because that he is still a
little bit insecureHarvey😎
He is perfect the way he is. And the others probably think that to❤️Mikey👾
Ik❤️ I gtg! Ttyl?Harvey😎
Of course we will talk later😂Mikey👾
Bye👋🏼I hope y'all liked this chapter!
The part of Jack being insecure is what is going on in my life so if you have problems like me you can always talk to me about it!
Let me know what you think!
-xxx- Bella
Wrong Number ~ Jacklyn
FanfictionWhere Brooklyn thinks he send a text to Rye but send it to the wrong number. ALSO RANDY IN IT!!!