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Yoon & Son de Boutique

While busy preparing for the "Seoul Fashion Week" in 2 weeks time, Bomi and Naeun working so hard to finish all the designs and sometimes they work until late midnight before finally go back home.
Reminder popup on Bomi's phone...

Reminder for Bbom Bbom...
*go to Incheon International Airport to pickup uncle Byun's son. Be there before 4pm!!!

Bomi: OMG! I need to go now.

Naeun: huh? Hello..we have a lot of work need to be done. I can't finish all this alone you see.

Bomi: I won't take long, maybe 3-4 hours top.

Naeun: where you going?

Bomi: airport..

Naeun: who's coming?

Bomi: my uncle's son from New York.

Naeun: which uncle?

Bomi: uncle Byun..

Naeun: are we talking about the famous tycoon in South Korea?

Bomi: yup..he is my dad's patient. My dad once saved his life after uncle Byun having stroke. Since then they both become best friend and also my mom with uncle's Byun wife.

Naeun: no wonder you always go to their house.

Bomi: I went to their house because the whole family likes our designers collection, I need to present myself in front of them professionally to maintain our brand.

Naeun: I see..I remember you talked about them but not thoroughly like this. I assume you close with their children too?

Bomi: I met their daughter before but not their son. They have one son (eldest) which work in New York and one daughter (youngest) study business in Dublin.

Naeun: which one you going to pickup today?

Bomi: his son..

Naeun: you better get going now, traffic jam really bad this few days. Don't worry about all of this I can manage with our staffs for few hours. Go now..

Bomi: thank you Naeun-ah!!!

Bomi left the boutique...

While driving Bomi received call from her mom...

Phone conversation...
Bomi: hello mom...

Mom: where are you? Are you on your way to pickup uncle's Byun son?

Bomi: on my way mom..I don't get this why I'm the one whose going to fetch uncle's Byun son? What's the name again?

Mom: darling Bomi..his name is Baekhyun. Uncle's Byun driver not feeling well and his on sick leave. That's why your dad offered his help and ask you to fetch him at the airport. Is it troubling you?

Bomi: okay..okay..I get it. Well, I'm kind of busy at my boutique just now. I feel sorry for leaving Naeun alone with all the pending works. Plus I never even met this guy.

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