❤️ 15

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Cont from last chapter...

Bomi take something from his bags, it was the engagement ring inside the red velvet box. She handed it back to Ravi.

Bomi: no Ravi..I want to call off our engagement.

Ravi: what?! Did you realise what you just said to me?

Bomi: please forgive me Ravi..that is the wise decision I make and the best for both of us.

Ravi: all this time I thought you love me, care about me. I've been hoping and praying that this 3 years enough for you to forget your dark past. I'll wait for you to accept me, love me and be loving your husband. What's all this?!

Bomi can't say anymore words, she facing down on the table while listening to Ravi. She should end this relationship before it's too late. It was hard Bomi but she have to do it.

Ravi: tell me honestly..All this happens because of Baekhyun, right?

Bomi: (nodded) yes..

The pain Ravi felt right now was like someone slice his heart into pieces using the most sharpest knife when Bomi finally admits that she still in love and care about Baekhyun.

Ravi: owh..i always have this kind of feeling that no matter what I did for you, Baekhyun will always be the winner, and I'm the loser one. I will never win this race if you are the price that we have to fight for, it'll be always him. Even he treated you so badly but still you love him over me!

Bomi: you don't know the real story of what happened.

Ravi: I don't give a damn about all that Bomi! I don't give a damn about you and him, all I want to know and care about is us! That is the most important thing for me, do you understand me? Huh?

Bomi: I care about you, I really do Ravi but I can't love you the way I love Baekhyun. He own parts of me, my heart. No matter what I did every beats of my heart is beating for him. I don't want to lie myself anymore and especially you. I know I hurt you now and I'm so sorry, it's better we end this sooner than later. Thank you so much for always be there for me when I need someone to talk with.

Ravi: I don't want your appreciation, I want more than that, I want you to be my wife. Please Bomi..

Bomi cry because she felt blameworthy and guilt-ridden towards Ravi, he was in tears too.

Bomi: I can't force myself anymore, my heart Ravi..my heart..

Ravi: belongs to Baekhyun, hurm?

Bomi: (nodded) yes..

Ravi: I know I can't force you to love me, you do what's best for you okay..(finally giving up).

He left money on the table to pay for his drinks and left the cafe..
Bomi just let Ravi go for good, it was her own choice, own decision and she have to stick to it. She call Naeun to meet her up at the same cafe, half an hour later Naeun arrived.

Naeun: bbom-ah..what's wrong?

Bomi: nothing..

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