Chapter 3.

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" What are you doing?" I shouted, clutching my backpack's shoulder strap and ran towards the idiot whom I'm supposed to be babysitting.

" What the cigarette? Does it bother you?" Harley smirked evilly holding up the cancer stick, almost as if he was mocking me.

" How can such a 'genius' like yourself do such a stupid thing? Put the butt out, now." I said in hopes of knocking some sense into the egghead. Because as much as I hated Harley I didn't want to kill him, well not just yet anyways.

He glared jokingly before he dropped the cancer butt to the ground and stomped on it.

" So what do you want to do after school Harley?" I asked in hopes of making some conversation in this awkward situation.

He didn't take his eyes off the couple walking together hand in hand on the other side of the road.

" Don't laugh, okay? Well I've always wanted to be a therapist because I understand sub-context and body language extremely well."

What the hell does that mean?

I rose an eyebrow implying for him to go into further detail. He sighed before dramatically, his sight still set on the couple.

"See those two, well the guy is gonna propose."

" How do you-"

" He keeps checking his pocket and she's wearing a tiara. Why the hell would she be wearing a tiara? You know unless she was homecoming queen at our school. What about you?"

Me? Well I've always wanted to be an entertainer of some sort. I mean the thought of bringing smiles to people's faces just makes me warm inside. Imagine being the reason someone choses not to commit suicide, that's be such a rewarding and humbling experience.

" I want to make people laugh, forget about their troubles."

" Wow, really deep." He said exasperated, placing the back of his hand on his forehead theatrically before placing his hairy ass monkey face next to mine. "Like I could be inside of you."

" Honestly you're disgusting get out. How 'bout instead of being a therapist you just be 'the-rapist'. You creepy pervert, get away from me."

He ignored my extremely witty insults, " I'm sorry do you have the plague?" He asked infiltrating my personal space.

I shook my head.

" Do you have some creepy obsession with me?"'

No my friend, quite the opposite.

" Do you have mono?"

Mono as in Infectious mononucleosis aka the 'kissing disease'? Hell no, I ain't no slut.

" No, unlike you I don't open Pandora's box for everyone."

" Technically I place stuff into Pandora's box because I'm a guy and I have a peni-"

That's it, I'm done. I stormed off before he can finish his degrading sentence. But then I smelt something. I whipped around and there he is smoking his cigarette.

But in the corner of my eye I saw that man drop to one knee. I despised Harley in every possible way but I'm wasn't  going to lie that was really cool.


" Class, today I will be checking the homework from last lesson." The teacher annouced, making sure to death glare me and various members of the class.

Why did he hate me? I never did anything to him. In fact, I tried to make as little conversation as possible. I pulled the sheet out from my folder and it was completely filled in. I placed it neatly on my desk, making sure to turn it so the teacher was able to read it.

" Nice try Miss Rivera, last lesson's homework." He laughed, making sure to shout it out so that every damn student in the whole school could hear him making fun of me.

What is he talking about? I looked around and everyone was holding a different worksheet, one I hadn't received yet.

I sighed, finally ready to raise my metaphoric white flag. After a tiring day of showing Harley around school, you'd think they'd excuse me from schoolwork for the day. Well there goes my perfect record, maybe I'll get a job flipping patties at Mcdonald's.

" I didn't do it." Mr. Grayson looked down and smirked at my defeat. He flashed his rotten yellows before walking away from my desk. He stopped in front of Harley's desk which was next to mine.

" And you?" His satanic words boomed throughout the classroom. I, along with every other member of the classroom gave Mr. Grayson a confused eyebrow raise.

Is he stupid? He literally introduced himself at the start of the class.

Harley shrugged before tucking both hands behind his head and leaning back on his chair. He gave me, what I suppose was a wink, keep in mind this wink resembled a donkley having an epileptic seizure.

" I didn't do it, cause I'm new here." He kicked both feet onto the desk and knocked off his books and his laptop. He flinched when he saw his laptop, cracked on the floor. I'm guessing the laptop wasn't supposed to fall.

I held in several laughs as I bent over to pick up the remains of his laptop. The only thing stopping me from laughing in his face was the fact that Mr. Grayson was literally a hop, a skip and a jump away. I am not going to lie it was strangely satisfying watching his smirk vanish in the 3 seconds it took that laptop to smash.

" Here." I said, trying not to burst into laughter.

Harley didn't say anything, but it was obvious how upset he was about his laptop.

" You'll be joining Miss Rivera for a detention at lunch time." Mr. Grayson exclaimed before jumping over to the next desk to terrorize another poor student.

" Actually, I'm busy." Harley replied in an angry tone. It was obvious he was getting mad, then again it was obvious Mr. Grayson wasn't backing down.

Stupid, Stupid man pride. Even stupider testosterone.

" You will attend this detention!"

" I'm leaving!" Harley picked up his black leather satchel and stormed out.

It isn't a whole minute before he returned with his jaw clenched. " And you're coming with me!"

He walked up to my desk and his hand latched onto my wrist. He took the stuff on my desk and shoved it into my backpack with his free hand. I was then pulled by his iron grip out of the classroom.

" Why the hell did you do that?" I yelled the second we were far away from the classroom, making sure to give the dirtiest look I could muster.

" I didn't know the way to the car park." He mumbled looking up at me.

" Are you serious? You ruined my chances of getting into Havard because of your shitty sense of direction?"

" Live a little, pudding."


Special thanks to @chattelicious who is now my editor, YAH.

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