Another attempt

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In the next night, Romeo was again defeated by the PJ Masks and drove off.

Romeo: "Ugh! I can't believe I got beaten again by those... PJ Weaklings! Maybe... awww... man! I should've never thrown away my time machine watch! I guess it'll take me one day for me to make another one.

Next night, Romeo was outside of his lab at the Park, he now made another time machine watch.

Romeo: *giggles in soft tone* "This should be good, this time!"

Before Romeo could use his invention, he hears the PJ Masks' voices confronting Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos. It was coming from near to his location.

Night Ninja: "You won't stop me that easily, PJ Masks! This golden trophy is MINE!"

Owlette: "It's not yours, Night Ninja! Give it back!"

--Meanwhile at Romeo's lab--
Romeo: "Oh, shoot! I better use this now!"

Romeo chooses a time, together with his lab, however, he was teleported at Pennsylvanian Park, instead at Tarabiscoville.

Romeo: "Where am I, anyway? *checks the map*

When checking the map, it says 'Pennsylvania'.

Romeo: "I've never been in this country, before. But, at least, the PJ Masks are not here, I will be able to take over the City! Muahahahahaha!"

-The END-

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