Stealing Fun

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It's been few days, ever since Romeo is overjoyed that no one was stopping him and the PJ Masks don't know where he is. Romeo is sitting relax in his lab.

Romeo: Now, what do I want to do today? Huh, of course! Take things from others of what I want!

Robot: But, how will you do that, Master? You might get in trouble if anyone sees you stealing stuff.

Romeo: Oh, that's simple, Robot. I just have to take some people's stuff of what I need and want without being seen.

Robot: Genious idea, Master.

Romeo: Yes, thank you, Robot. Now, time to proceed to my sneaky plan. Oh, this is going to be so very easy!

(Scene skips at Pennsylvania Museum)

At museum, there is a teacher and some students and their parents were at the area, where it contains the skeletons of dinosaurs and the teacher was discussing about their history.

Romeo and Robot are peeking at them by the wall.

Romeo: Careful, Robot. I don't think anyone should be seeing you.

Robot: Um, yes.

Romeo: Now, to search around the museums for items that I need and want to have it.

(Scene shows at Mr. Gore, some students and their parents)

Mr. Gore: Now, we know the dinosaurs are extinct because there were no remaining of them.

Edgar: Awww.... poor dinosaurs.

Mr. Gore: *giggles* Yes, of course, Edgar.

Robot sneaks behind the dinosaur skeletons, while searching some items, so they wouldn't see him as a robot. But, Robot accidentally tripped by the wet on the floor, and caused a dinosaur skeleton to fall into pieces.

Teacher: Um, what's going on there? WHOAH! N-n-no, no, no, no, no! Not the dinosaur's skeleton!

Romeo heard the noise from his walkie talkie.

Romeo: Robot, what's going on, in there?

Robot: Sorry, Master, I accidentally tripped and the dinosaur skeleton and they almost saw me.

Romeo: We'll, keep it down, will ya?

Robot: Uh, yes, Master.

(Scene at where Romeo is sneaking)

Romeo gets in the area where he is, he saw a golden staff, an artifact item. Romeo's eyes shines upon seeing a golden item.

Romeo: *gasps* Amazing golden staff. I want it! *takes the golden staff*

Romeo uses his walkie-talkie to contact Robot.

Romeo: Robot, it's time to get us out of here.

Robot: Uh, um, yes, Master.

The two villains sneak outside the Museum and they left with the stolen golden staff.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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