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I was watching some Disney Movies when I got interrupted by the buzz of my phone inside my pocket. Groaning , I paused the movie and I quickly pulled out my phone. Looking at the screen , there's a note saying 'Oliver Patterson followed you' My lips twitched into smile. Because of my curiosity , I go to his twitter profile and do some stalk about him.

" OH.MY.GOSH. "I whispered to myself when I saw that his twitter account is a verified account. I am mentally doing my happy dance right now. Like hello? It was verified account so it means , he was celebrity. Woot woot!

After I finally calmed down , I do some stalk again. He's biography says 'Hi! I love eating and singing and playing guitar. That's all'. And then my eyes go down and look at his location.

" He's from america." I said to myself , sighing. Well hello? A celebrity followed me but came from the other side of the planet earth. Non-sense. But it's okay atleast I gained 1 follower.

I placed down my phone inside my pocket again and I continued watching Movie.

" Darn it." I groaned when my phone buzzed again. I pull it out of my pocket and the symbol of the DM popped-out at the screen. While scratching my head in confuse , I unlock my phone and go to my Direct Messages. A familiar picture showed up in the screen.

" OH.MY.GOSH.AGAIN!" I said in a shocked tone when I realized that it was OLIVER PATTERSON who followed me earlier. I'm totally zoned out right now. I just stared at his Icon , fangirling about his perfect jaw-line , his beautiful blue orbs pair with perfect sculpted nose and his beautiful manly smile with cute dimples until I snapped back to the reality by the buzz of my phone.


Finally I clicked the DMs from him. And decided to reply.

Oliver: Hi Karl!

Oliver: Hey? Are you there?

Karl: Hi! Yeah I'm here. haha

Oliver: Good. So how are you? :)

I got blush when I read his reply. Haha

Karl: Fine just fine :) How about you?

Oliver: Nahh. I'm not fine , really. That's why I DMed you. I really need someone to talk to.

Karl: But why me? You don't even know me.

Oliver: I just want to.

Oliver: Besides your nice though. I can tell a man by his looks you know! Haha

Karl: Don't tell me you stalked my twitter profile? Haha

Oliver: There's no law about it though.

Karl: You're funny. Haha

Oliver: Did I tell you a joke?

Karl: Yeah. 'There's no law about it though." Haha

Oliver: Hey! I'm serious you know.

Karl: Nice joke.

Oliver: Promise! I'm not kidding nor joking you.

Karl: Owww!

I still didn't believe him though. He's a famous celebrity you know. Until he send me a picture more like a screenshot of my twitter profile.

Karl: Seriously?

Oliver: Yeah , seriously. You're cute by the way.

I can feel that my cheeks are heating up. My heart flattered because of what he said.

Karl: Thank you! Your handsome too.

Oliver: No, thank you! You made me feel better.

And now I can feel the thousands of butterfly doing backflips inside my stomach.

Karl: I didn't do anything , you know.

Oliver: Well you replied and talk to me soooo... Thank you!

I was about to reply when my mom knocked on my door saying that the dinner is ready. I quickly told her that I'm coming. And then I heard a fading sound of footsteps walking away from my room, it's a sign that mom go back downstairs.

Karl: Sorry Sir Oliver but I have to go. Dinner is ready.

Oliver: Don't call me sir , silly!

Karl: Okay Oliver. Byeeee!

Oliver: Bye Karly! Gonna eat breakfast!

Karl: Hey wait! Breakfast? And did you just accidentally clicked the letter Y , didn't you?

Oliver: Yeah! It's morning here. And I found Karly cute and it fits you.

Karl: Ah okay.Bye again! :)

Oliver: Okay , eat well babe! :) Thanks again x

With what he said Babe plus the nickname Karly plus the X. I'm totally red as tomato right now.

A/N: Yeah I know it's crappy but thanks for reading this though. Please continue reading this xx

Direct Message//BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now