Chapter 3 - Shawn

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    I ran Into math class thinking I was gonna be late, I ended up being over 5 freaking minutes early. So greeted the teacher as I always did. After this, I walked up to the lonely middle row. I only sat there because Mila sat in the row in front of me. I watch her draw when I'm bored, no no no no no, not in like a creepy way. I don't want to come off like that... back up, it's more like a "she is really talented, I wish I was as artistic as she is" kinda way, I swear. And I doubt she even knows I exist anyway. Isn't that how life works sometimes? When you have crazy feelings for someone, it ends up being someone completely unattainable. I stare out the window losing myself in a daydream.

         The teacher calls attention to the front, but he is easily unheard because of the thousands of conversations happening. Right before the bell rings, I see Mr. Tough-Guy walk in the room with a messed up lip and a bruise forming on his eye. I scoffed and looked down at the paper the teacher was passing out. He was an idiot. Last time he got in a fight he sent the kid to the hospital, with a concussion, broken elbow and 3 broken ribs. In all honesty, I was a bit scared of him but not because he was buff of that he knew how to fight. I was scared because he DID fight. I wouldn't want to get on his bad side in fear of hurting myself again.

         Class ended relatively quickly. When the bell rang, I moved quickly to get out of the classroom. I tripped on my shoelace, knocking into Mr. Quarterback on the way down, I barely caught myself. He stumbled and hit Mila. She looked at him with eyes that screamed that she had feelings for him in some way. It stung, it hit me right in the chest. But I shook my head and ran out before my feelings got in the way.

        When I got to the bleachers, I saw Bendon and Mason, they were my friends, no, they were more like my brothers. I walk up at a rather odd point in their conversation. "Listen, all I'm saying is that I was tied up!" Brendon snickered at the face I made in response to what Mason had just said.

        "Wow, is Mason exploration his kinky side with Thomas? Or is this just about another party you got out of?" All three of us burst out laughing.

         "Dude, how many times do I have to tell you? I don't like Thomas!" Mason was bright red as he said this. His usually pale freckled face almost blended into his red hair.

        "Mhmm, that painful blush you're sporting doesn't help your case bud." Brendon spit out before he was engulfed in another fit of laughter. His dyed black hair fell into his face as he almost fell off the bleachers. I joined him in his hysteria after a short while. My fun was spoiled by an open juice box being thrown at my face.

         "Jerk" I huff at Mason looking down at my wet shirt.

        "Bitch" He chuckled rolling his eyes.

         "On another note, whose house are we going to after school?" Brendon says pulling out his Nintendo Switch.

        "I honestly don't care, I just don't want you guys clearing out my fridge again, I literally just got yelled at because it was empty yesterday morning! My mom made me go shopping last night." They both exchanged smirks. "Ugh, ok guess I'm gonna get yelled at again." Brendon plugged in Super Smash Bros and handed us the controllers.

        "Ready to get obliterated?"

         "Shut up. I'm not that bad!" I was that bad. I honestly just smashed buttons hoping for the best as I shoved my sandwich in my mouth. I was still new to gaming.

       "Dude, did you hear about the fight?" Mason said out of the blue. 

      "No, but I honestly don't care," Brendon replied in a bored tone.

       "K," was all Mason got out before Brendon killed him, resulting in an explosive protest.

         20 minutes later the bell rang and I was off to P.E. otherwise known as the class of certain death. I'm an athletic person, or used to be. I just hated running. I took a deep breath and walked to the locker rooms.

 .    .     .

        "OH MY GOSH! GO DIE IN A FIERY HOLE OF DEATH BRENDON!" That was the 17th time he killed me in the last ten minutes, and the worst thing is we were playing freaking SUPER MARIO BROS! "I'm so done with both of you. I'm going to get some chips."

        "Listen, I hate that I gotta break it you like this, but you just suck at this game Shawn!" When did Mason get so entitled?

        "This is between Brendon and me! butt out!"

        "Na, I like to add to the fire," Mason says with a wink.

        "Oh, like to add to the fire eh? Let's go up to my room and see how hot we can get the fire to burn?" I shot back with a huge smirk as I wiggled my eyebrows.

        "Oh god, please stop" We all burst into thunderous laughter.

        "That was really gay" I was laughing so hard that I started to cry. We ordered pizza, after a looong debate over Hawaiian pizza for the hundredth time this week, we decided to get pepperoni and bacon.

        After scarfing down the pizza, we played a few more levels of Super Mario Bros.

        "Ok boys, it's a school night, Leave my house and go get some sleep!" My mom giggled when she walked in and saw us dozing off with the controls in our hands.

        We exchanged goodbyes and I headed up to my room. Sleep came easy that night, which wasn't a normal occurrence for me. I dreamed of the beautiful girl with the vibrant sea-foam green eyes. I dreamed that she had feelings for me, that a could actually have a chance with her. Funny, huh?

~   ~   ~


This has to be one of my favorite chapters to write!!! I hope you enjoyed it!

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