First day of highschool

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(Sorry if this story gets too depressing.) 

[Description of Ray:] She is 5'4 She is white with brunette hair. Usually wears ripped jeans and tank tops with plaid shirt tied around her waist. Her hair is usually up in high ponytail or bun. And she has hazel earthy eyes.
Ray: *runs through woods panicking looking behind herself*
-*breathing heavily* where did he go I gotta escape *trips over a branch and grunts in pain*

Dark shadowy figure: *walks towards Ray*

Ray: *crawls while panicking* L..leave me alone

Dark shadowy figure: *reaches towards Ray face over top of her*

Ray: * wakes up panicking from nightmare as alarm goes off*

Ray's mom: Wake up Ray first day of highschool don't want to be late.

Ray: Ok! *Sighs heavily* hopefully this year it'll be different I hope to make friends or maybe I'll stick to myself..
*Ray takes a shower and gets ready for the bus* Sigh *looks in mirror and speaks to reflection* Stop thinking bad about yourself for once and just be happy


Ray: Sorry mama I'm going now *mumbles under breath and runs down stairs*

Ray's mom: don't make me take your phone

Ray: sorry mama *grabs phone and snatches back pack and heads to the bus*

*After 20 minutes Ray finally arrives at high school*

Ray: First day of hell yay *few things fall out of back pack* UGHH just great!  *Squats and start picking up supplies*

*A short girl with poofs and braces stops in front of Ray and helps her out*
Ray: Oh uh thank you *smiles shyly*

Short girl: oh no problem you new here?

Ray: yea.. that noticable huh

Short girl: *smiles* just a little. My name's Rhian by the way

Ray: *gets up and zips backpack* nice to meet you thanks again

Rhian: ofc no problem wanna walk with me

Ray: oh uh it's ok I gotta go to the office anyways

Rhian: oh ok maybe another time *frowns*

Ray: *runs off quickly in school building and goes gets breakfast* umm can I have the yogurt please? Thanks
*After ray gets her breakfast she rushes towards the office and bumps into a boy and falls on top of him getting yogurt on his hoodie*

Ray: *grunts* ouch! Shoot I am so sorry! Please don't hit me..

Boy: I'm not gonna hit you it's totally ok just a little yogurt here let me help you *reaches for your hand and helps ray up*

Ray: thanks for not hitting me I'm just use.. uh nvm *looks away*

Boy: hey it's ok you don't have to tell me anything my name's Shai

Ray: hi Shai thanks again I really have to get going

Shai: oh what's the hurry at least give me your.. *Ray runs off before he could finish*

Shai: *sighs* name..

*Ray finally gets to office to get her schedule and heads to algebra*
Ray: hey Ms Smith I'm your new student

Ms Smith: ok take a seat
*Some students blocks seat so ray can't sit and when she find a seat to sit at a bully trips her and her head hits the desk*

Ray: ouch!! *Bloods drips from her forehead* can I go to nurse
*Students laughs at her and makes rude comments*

Ms. Smith: yes please go

*Ray goes to nurse and gets a bandage then the bell rings for next class*
Ray: sigh ig I better head to theatre now *walks through hallway and see kid her hurt her and run into the bathroom to hide in a stall*
Ray: why does this always happen to me... *Tears form in her eyes and bursts into tears*

*After a few minutes she stop and heads to class*

Teacher: why are you late!?

Ray: *comes up with excuse fast* I couldn't find your class and I am new here

Teacher: ok don't let it happen again. Today is a free day sit anywhere.

Ray: *notices the boy Shai is in this class and thinks to herself* oh no please don't let him see me...

Teacher: sit please

Ray: sits in corner alone

Shai: *laughing with friends until he notices Ray* hey I'll be back guys *goes over to Ray

Ray: *looks up* oh uh hey.. *thinks oh I hope he doesn't notice I was crying"

Shai: hey I didn't get your name earlier

Ray: oh uh it's Rachel but ppl call me Ray for short

Shai: pretty name. Uh are you ok

Ray: yea why do you ask

Shai: cus you look like you been crying and you have a cut on your head

Ray: oh uh uh I'm ok don't worry about me

*Shai and Ray starts talking the whole period until they get on buses to go home*

(This first episode isn't really depressing I'm new to this but I tend to make it better this is just the beginning)

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