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Binnie needs someone to comfort him right now. He doesnt need to see these messages from this asshole.

I put down changbins phone, and pulled him closer to me.

"Binnie" I said, trying to sooth him.
"Y-yes."He said looking at me with his water eyes.
"Its ok, you dont need to talk to that prick. Block his number." I said.
"Bu-But hyunjin-ah, even if i block him, he can still get a way to see me."
"Binnie, look at me."I said holding his shoulders. He looked at me, right in the eyes.
"I love you binnie, nothing will happen to you. I promise I wont let him come anywhere near you. I will stay by you forever binnie. I love you so much and I dont want to see you hurt." I pulled him into a hug, as he sobbed his eyes out.
"I-I love you too Hyunjin-ah" He said, voice weak.

We stayed in this position for a while. Changbin cried, but I comforted him the whole time. I wouldnt let him cry like this.

"Hy-Hyunjin.." Changbin said, eyes red from crying.
"Yes, binnie." I responded.
"I lo-love you a lot, and im glad i-i have you in my life." He wiped his eyes.
"God what d-did i do to d-deserve you?" He said, pouring all his feelings out to me.
I kissed his pouting lips. Our lips stayed connected until we needed air.
"If anything, I should be the one asking what I did to deserve you." I said, holding binnie closer.
"Jinnie?" He asked.
"Yes baby." I said.
"C-can we cuddle?" He shyly asked.
I didnt hesitate to respond.
"Ofcourse binnie."

Hyunjin and I got on my bed. My short legs not matching the length of his. He held me close and played with my hair.

Hyunjin whispered cute things to me such as "cutie" and "i love you" and sweet things in general. He is so kind and I love him so much.

He fixed me. He really did. And im glad to have had Hwang Hyunjin in my life. Because he changed ir forever.

This will be the last chapter! Im sorry that I gave you an ass last chapter. I will be making a new Changjin fanfiction so please stay tuned! Follow me for more Changjin and other fanfictions. I have many ideas for the future. The new changjin fanfiction will be much much better, not cringe, and soft. I will actually put effort into it. Thank you for supporting this fanfiction. <3

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