
14 3 4

Why don't they understand,
Not to yell at me
When I'm finally a little happy

Why don't they understand,
I can't deal with the fights
When my smile is finally real

Why can't they understand,
They shouldn't judge me
When I look sad for once again

Why can't they understand,
When I close off
I'm not just being selfish

Why can't they understand,
That I ignore people
Doesn't mean I hate them

Why can't they understand,
Sometimes I just need to be alone
And away from all the bullshit

Because sometimes,
All of us need some time alone

We need some time to heal
And some time to think

And after that some time,
We will come back

As better people

Okay.... the beginning suits my situation, the ending doesn't.. but well, I figured a positive ending would be nice for once right?....

Anyways please vote, comment and leave me feedback

I love you, take care, stay safe and most importantly, stay alive

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