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Flames. That's all I saw that day too but it doesn't matter now. For all of us our limited worldview has been shattered and I can't help but wonder what people have built from the pieces.

I watched as the small fire cracked the embers licking at my once wet and cold feet, the small pop reminding me of the blast that took this world to its knees. And while I stared I couldn't help but think about him, his dark eyes that held secrets none of us could ever hear that smile that said everything would work out, the nurturing look he always gave me. Things I would never be able to see again all that's left the face reflected in my eyes and memories of once was.

Looking off into the distance I watched as the rain fell, the heavens opening showering the world, trying to wash away the memories of what was and the mess of what is now. The only thing keeping me from being touched, the old bridge that lied by the river the one we hung out by, skipping stones along the river and making make believe games the hero and the super-villain, the knight and a prince. I let out a dry chuckle remembering them the memories once so sweet leaving a bitter taste in my mouth and an ache in my chest, in the one place I was convinced couldn't feel anymore.

I knew eventually I'd have to go back out there fight against the hordes of... well I don't know what they are or what to call them. The people I'd walk past and never give a second thought to now consume my life making me run, flee. Some kept their sanity didn't shift when corruption hit but now they're too scared of losing whatever little they have that they'd kill the ones like them, the rest lost that sanity their humanity leaving only husks. Zombies are the closest I could describe them to. Thin, misshapen, decomposing and deteriorating signs of weathering evident on them but they weren't Zombies no they weren't just simply the dead risen the black ooze that dripped from their maw dripping down them like grime leaving traces everywhere they touch. And those eyes, wide, alert and glowing, always glowing, white like a pure canvas waiting for even a lick of paint but no all colour and individuality was stripped from them like they couldn't make their own choices, be their own unique person. But where there are puppets there are always puppeteers, it may not return the world to how it was, killing the one pulling the strings but at least when the puppets fall we can try to re-piece the world we once lived in.

Sighing I let my eyes rest on the flames again contemplating if the risk of sleep outweighed the exhaustion that made my body as heavy as lead as stiff as steel and as fragile as glass. Closing my eyes I focused on the sounds around me but everything that could have been heard was muted by the muffled force of rain hitting against the rough concrete stopping all chances for my senses to warn me of the impending danger that those... things, impose.

Heh to think that the rain that used to sooth me to sleep would be the one thing that sends shooting fear through me, with every delicate droplet that hits the rough concrete, shaking me to my core.

So that's the first look at my first book on here, and well my first story all together I write scripts for comics not stories so this is really out of my comfort zone but I wanted to give it a shot. I hope you all like it I'll be publishing chapters as often as I can but I want to aim for maybe one a week but with work and studies I can't be sure. Stick around the first chapter will be uploaded soon -N.

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