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Jane's PoV

Staying as quiet as I can getting myself washed and dressed before tackling my hair trying to tame it so it stays fallen over the left side of my face, once it starts to stay there I spray so much hairspray on it to get it to hold, I want to choke from it. Grabbing my books I need for the day along with a cloth to keep mopping my lip up when it keeps bleeding I sneak out of the house at 7am heading for school slowly, knowing that I'm far too early but I don't care, I don't want to be at home when he wakes up.

As I round the corner to the schools parking lot I hear a car being turned off curiosity getting the better of me makes me look over seeing the door to a black Lexus being opened and her legs stepping out of it, wearing black heels, a fitted skirt, white shirt and a jacket.

"Jane?" I hear her call not realising that I had been staring just standing there until she's closer to me

"You're early" Dr Isles laughs until her brow furrows

"Jane..... Jane your lip" she says as I snap out of the trance I was in taking her in i lift my hand holding the cloth up to my lip starting to back away

As her hand reaches my forearm I flinch once again

"Let me help" she gently speaks placing her hand lightly on my arm giving it a reassuring squeeze I nod slightly and follow her into the school to her office which is off her lab.

Standing awkwardly in the doorway watching her move around her office putting her bag down before hanging her jacket next to a white lab coat

"In you come Jane, sit on my desk let me look at your lip" she smiles softly at me.

I don't want to move but my body objects and I find I'm sat on her desk watching her come closer with a black medical bag.

"Do you have a hair tie to hold your hair back?" She asks gently standing in front of me,

I pull the tie from my wrist and sigh she's going to see the rest of my face if I tie it up I think to myself

"You can trust me Jane I'm not going to hurt you..or judge you" she quietly says watching me.

Looking down I gather my hair back pulling it into a loose ponytail letting my hands fall keeping my head down. Feeling utterly ashamed.

"Hey" she breathes her fingers reaching my chin gently lifting my head up so she can assess my face
"Oh Jane.. what happened" she asks with sadness in her voice

"I...I..." I can't get the words out they form in a lump in my throat my eyes burning with the threat of tears

"Ssh it's ok, you can tell me if you want to I'm not going to judge you Jane, I just want to help you. Let me sort your lip out it looks like it needs stitches I can do them for you, but it will hurt I have no anaesthetic here." Dr Isles says as she takes items out of her bag ready to clean and stitch my lip

"S'ok" I manage to get out

I watch her every move as she wipes my lip a small crease in forms in between her eyebrows as she frowns. I can only think she's wondering what's happened as she works. I study her face noticing she only wears a small layer of make up not that she needs it, she's beautiful.
Not even realising she's finished stitching my lip until she places her hand on my thigh making me jump


"I said all done, and I asked if you were ok?" She chuckles

"I... thanks... no.. no I'm not ok." I sigh defeatedly

"What can i do to help you Jane?" Dr Isles gently asks with her hand still resting on my thigh

"You just did. Erm, I'm, im going to go I need to go" I mutter feeling embarrassed

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