Chapter 1

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Orc crawled out of the small pond with a large fish hanging from his jaw.

Nile snorted. "Orc!" She laughed, "We aren't catching lily pads." The older MudWing padded over and pulled a lily pad off of Orc's head, tossing it aside.

"Oh, er, thanks Nile," Orc chuckled. Except he had a fish in his mouth, so it sounded more like, "Oaf, erf, tanks Nmile."

"You are very welcome," Nile said with a wide smile.

Orc dropped the fish at Nile's feet and then asked, "What did you get?"

"A couple frogs, nothing to big."

"Come on you two!" Called a grouchy voice Orc knew well.

"On our way Porosus!" Nile called to their younger sister.

Orc found it slightly aggravating that Porosus thought she could give their bigwings orders. Especially since their bigwings was the next Queen.

Nile spread her wings and lifted off towards where Porosus was waiting. Crocodylus sat shivering beside Porosus. Their younger brother- and the runt of the clutch- was entirely white. His eyes were red and he was slightly blind, slightly deaf. Not a good hunter either, always seen by his prey. So the rest of them had to take care of poor Dylus, which Orc was fine with. They were a family after all.

"Come on!" Porosus snapped.

Orc growled and showed his teeth. "You don't give your bigwings orders!" He leapt in front of Nile, he teeth bared and he stared down Porosus.

"You aren't my Bigwings," Porosus sneered back.

"But she is." Orc motioned towards Nile.

Porosus opened her snout to speak, but Nile said, "Stand down. Both of you."

"But Nile-" Orc was cut off by Nile's glare.

Porosus turned away and stalked off. A shivering Dylus chased after her.

Nile waited a moment before turning back towards home and padding off.

Orc padded after Nile, head hanging low and his face scrunched up in anger.

Nile seemed tense. The large Mudwing moved quicker and Orc had to hurry to catch up to her.

Orc tried to ease his sister's mind. "Nile? I know Porosus likes to think she's bigwings, but-"

"That's not an issue!" Nile snapped back, her face twisting into a snarl, "The issue is you trying to stick up for me! If you always do that, she'll only leave me alone when you're around. I have to stick up for myself!"

Orc took a step back, the crazed and angry look in Nile's eyes scaring him.

Nile's expression dropped, and she looked more solemn than anything else. "Leave me alone," she said meekly before spreading her wings and lifting off.

Orc stood still for a minute, stunned. He was hurting Nile? He'd never imagined that. Eventually, he strengthened his resolve. He would apologize. He spread his wings and took off in an effort to find her.

Eventually he spotted her. He landed in a clearing and padded through some bush before he saw her. He moved to talk to her, but something else got to her first.

A MudWing Orc knew well dug their talons into Nile's neck. Nile let out a screech and fell to the ground. The two dragons tussled for a minute before Nile was pinned down. The other mudwing then broke their neck before turning and walking away.

Orc had never been so scared in his life.

Porosus was a murderer.

Winglets #1 - Prince [GlitterPerfectWing Chronicles]Where stories live. Discover now