Blue's Park

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(Present Time 12:00)

i was sat next to Curt and Yuuki as we had apples on our heads, we stood still with looks of confusion on our faces, the next thing i knew Blue started his video

Blue: "hello everyone, I'm Eevolution, and to day i'm kicking a ball at my friends face"

Y/n + Curt + Yuuki: "what?"

Blue then kicked the ball as it hit Curt in the face, all the girls cheered as the colour disappeared from mine and Yuuki's face

Blue: "oh? it wasn't recording, i should really turn that on"

Y/n: "LIKE HELL!!!"


Curt: "MY FACE!!!!!! WHY DID YOU HIT ME IN THE FACE!?!?!?!?!?!"

i took the apple of my head and through it Blue, it hit him in the back of the head, it exploded against his head, he turned around with a angry look


Y/n: "BITE ME!!! THAT WHY!!!!!"

As we started to argue with each other as Ruby, Peni and Weiss was shocked by me actully yelling and getting angry, Hasuki and Ryuko was used to it, April was just happy Blue was getting hurt

April: "i'm such a good girlfriend"

Ruby: "I don't watch Blues channel, what type of videos does he make?"

Weiss: "I don't know ether, but I don't thing it even like it"

April: "Blue channel is like a Pokedex, he make a  video about a certain type of pokemon, he normal describes the pokemon, what they do, and other stuff"

 Weiss: "so.............he makes educational videos?"

April: "he does but he also makes stupid videos like Y/n"

Hasuki + Peni + Ruby: "NO THEIR NOT!!!"

Ryuko: "don't insult the videos I work on"

Weiss + Peni + Ruby: "YOU WORK WITH Y/N!!!"

Ryuko: "ya, i'm his editor, I edit half the videos on his channel, you can tell which one I edited by the fact that Y/n keeps bullying me"

Y/n: *from a distanced* "I PAY YOU TO EDIT!"

Ryuko: "I hate him sometimes"

Hasuki: "Hasuki want to edit his videos too!!"

Y/n + Yuuki: *from a distanced* "THAT A TERRABLE IDEA!!!"

me and the rest of the guys walked over to the girls as I was holding both Charmander and Pichu, my sister ran over and stood in front of me with their arms out, i thought I was going to get hugged by his sisters but instead they ran past me as my dad Garchomp was running towards us, I was about to run until I ran in someone, I fell over as my dad was stood in front of me

Yusho: "sorry, you okay?"

Y/n: "why are you here? I thought you went home?"

Yusho: "I did but your mother and our pokemon wanted to come to the park"

Y/n: "what?"

Martha: *running over* "hello!"

my mom made it over as I wanted to run, but Garchomp jumped in the air as I thought was going to be crushed under him as I closed my eyes, I waited for my incoming death but I opened my eyes to see Garchomp in the air, floting actually, I turned to see my mom's Gardevoir holding him in the air with her physic abilities, I quickly ran over to Gardevoir and hugged her, she sighed and hugged him back, my mom slightly pouted as Ralts peered around her moms leg to see me, I waved at her as she hid again, I sighed as I stopped hugging Gardevoir, Pichu and Charmander ran over to me as I  crouched down to pick them up, my dad walked over to me and looked at Pichu, who was snuggling in my arms

Yusho: "looks like you got another pokemon"

Y/n: "ya, her original owner didn't want her, so I desided to take her in, she-"

I look down to see Pichu smiling at me before climbing up to my head

Y/n: "took a liking to me"

Yusho: "I can see that"

Y/n: "its like you say dad, 'more the merrier' right?"

Yusho: "you got me there"

Ruby, Weiss and Peni all ran over to me and my dad, they all held up white boards and pens, my dad sighed as he started to sign them

Ruby: "Can't believe i'm meeting the Yellow Star"

Weiss: "you shows are breath-taking, I expect the next one to be the same"

Peni: "Please join me for a live stream!"

Yusho: "thank you, i'm glad to meet my fans"

I rolled my eyes as I was nudged from be hind by my dads Charizard, I nudged him back as Peni asked my dad a question

Peni: "excuse me but, how do you know Y/n?"

Yusho: "i'm his dad"

Ruby + Weiss + Peni: "WHAT!?!?!?!"

Y/n: "here we go"


 Yusho: "your future what?"

Y/n: "ignore her, I try to"

Martha: "my son won't be marrying anyone, his my baby!"

my mom hugged me as I started to struggle to breath

Y/n: "please stop"

I tried to push my mom off of me as a familiar blond approach the group

Yang: "Hey Ruby, why are you with these guys? are they your friends!?!"

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Yang: "Hey Ruby, why are you with these guys? are they your friends!?!"

Yang hugged Ruby as Ruby couldn't breath

Ruby: "please stop"

Ruby started to push Yang off of her while Y/n almost got out of his mothers death grip

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