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I totally understand if you don't read this chapter. I cannot write action to save my life, so this sucks and adds nothing to the overall plot.

PSA: This is Google Translate Russian, so it is likely very shoddy. If you actually speak Russian, feel free to correct me.


"SO...THIS is awkward." Sasha tapped her foot anxiously. "What nice weather we're having. Very summery." She glanced over at Jasper Sitwell. "You seem like a summer kinda guy."

"Can somebody shut this kid up?" Sitwell said. He, Sasha, and Natasha were all crammed into the backseat of Sam's car, Sasha, of course, in the middle. "And can you please get your arm out of my side?"

"Maybe when you aren't our prisoner," Sasha shot back. "You could at least roll over willingly. At this point, what's the worst that could happen?"

Sitwell glared at her. "Hydra doesn't like leaks."

"No shit." Sasha crossed her legs. "You're even more of a genius than Zola."

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here," Natasha cut in, sticking her head in front of Sasha. Her short red hair blew into Sasha's mouth, and she gagged dramatically. She could see Sam raise an eyebrow at her in the rearview mirror, and embracing her child side, she stuck out her tongue in response.

"I know," Steve responded. "We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly."

"What?" Sitwell screeched. "Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea."

Sasha opened her mouth to tell him to shut up, but the words evaporated as someone landed on the roof with a crash. A metal arm smashed the window on Sitwell's side of the car, grabbed him, and hurled him into oncoming traffic. Suddenly, the car went spinning as a bullet sank into one of the back tires. Sasha ducked as even more bullets crashed through the window. Sam managed to regain control, but almost immediately, Steve yanked the breaks. The Winter Soldier was sent flying. While he slid across the highway, a woman wearing a mask took a running leap off another car and headed for them.

"Look behind you!" Sasha screamed, following the movements of the woman through the fractured windshield. The woman grabbed onto a Jeep that was hurtling towards Sam's car.

"Oh, fuck!" Sasha forced the back door open and dove out onto the street, just barely escaping the car being rear ended. The abraded road dug valleys into the palms of her hands, and blood trickled out onto the light ground.

"Sasha!" Natasha yelled. Sasha turned around, but the masked woman was already standing above her. She jumped up onto her feet and drew both of her swords, not so much as flinching when Sam's car was flipped upside down and sent scraping along the road. The woman produced a knife from her holster. Sasha laughed.

"You sure you want to use that?"

The woman cocked her head.

"Ne derzay. YA mogla by ubit' tebya odnoy rukoy za moyey spinoy." Don't be daring. I could kill you with one hand behind my back.

Sasha didn't hesitate before swinging her sword as hard as she could, but her weakness was growing. The woman was able to elbow her arm down and slam her shin into Sasha's side. Sasha reeled back slightly, but quickly regained her balance and slammed the hilt of her sword into the woman's shoulder. She looked up and noticed that the Winter Soldier was shooting at Nat.

"Uvidimsya v adu!" Sasha yelled as she ran towards Natasha. See you in hell! Bullets rained down on her from behind, one tearing a hole in her shirt, but she kept running until she rammed into Natasha. Natasha ignored her and started shooting at the Soldier man, while Sasha sheathed her swords and pulled two pistols from their holsters. She shot back at the woman, who was walking calmly in their direction. Then, without warning, Nat grabbed Sasha and tossed her over the highway divider.

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