Chapter Four

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"We could be brothers," Niall noted, still in shock.

"What's your name?" they asked each other.

They both chuckled. "You first," Harry said.

"Call me Niall."

"Niall?" Harry repeated. "You have the same name as the prince."

"Well. . .," Niall chuckled and shrugged.

Harry was absolutely shocked. He found himself stumbling for words. "Oh, uh, I'm Harry, Your, uh, Highness. Aren't you supposed to be inside the castle?"

Niall nodded miserably. "I'm savouring a first and last taste of freedom before getting married next week. . . to a total stranger."

"At least you're not an indentured servant," Harry muttered.

"Indentured servant?" Niall asked, confused.

Harry smirked and decided he would explain, in song format.

If I'd like to have my breakfast hot, Madame Carp will make me pay
And I have to fetch the eggs myself and the barn's a mile away
It's cold and wet, but still I get, an omelette on my plate
But in my head I'm back in bed snuggled up and sleeping late

"Really?" Niall asked in shock.

"Really," Harry nodded. "But it's alright I guess. . . I mean, I'm used to it by now. And you?"

Niall felt himself blush. Did he really want to brag in front of his new friend? Harry looked at him intently, as if waiting for him to go on.

If I want some eggs I ring the bell and the maid comes running in
And she serves them on a silver tray and she brings a cookie tin
And while I eat, she rubs my feet and strolling minstrels play
But I'd rather be in my library reading science books all day

Harry grinned.

I'm just like you

"You are?"

You're just like me
There's somewhere else we'd rather be
Somewhere that's ours, somewhere that dreams come true
Yes I am a boy like you
You'd never think, that it was so, but now I've met you and I know
It's plain as day, sure as the sky is blue, that I am a boy like you

"So you're a singer then?" Niall smiled softly.

"No," he shook his head. "I work at Madame's Carp penitentiary. Uh, I mean bakery."

"I love that bakery," Niall grinned. "I get the sourdough supreme Philly cheesesteak practically every day."

"I created that recipe," Harry smirked.

"You're the creator behind that?" Niall gasped. He felt like he was meeting a celebrity! "It's my absolute favourite! I've tried making it at the palace, but I can never get it right."

"It's not that complicated," he shrugged.

First I mix the ingredients to make the dough and I let it rise for hours
And I cook the bread until it's crispy brown and make the sandwich

Niall laughs and joins in.

I eat the meal, and still I feel, like I have more room

And imagine life without the strife of an unfamiliar groom

The two laughed together and Niall hadn't felt this alive in a long time. He started to feel guilty. "But I'd never let my mother know, I wouldn't want to disappoint her."

"I completely understand."

Before they knew it, they were singing together once more.

I'm just like you

I think that's true

You're just like me

Yes I can see

We take responsibility

We carry through

We carry through

Do what we need to do
Yes I am a boy like you

I'm just like you

I'm just like you

You're just like me

You're just like me

It's something anyone can see

A heart that beats

A heart that beats

A voice that speaks the truth
Yes I am a boy like you

The two finished and shook their heads, smiling at one another. Harry said, "It's amazing! Except for our hair and eyes."

"We could be twins!"

They laugh again and Niall uncovered his left shoulder, revealing a faint birthmark that resembled a tiny crown. "What about this birthmark?"

Harry looked at his shoulder and shook his head. "I guess not."

Zayn came back holding two cinnamon pastries. He looked between the two men in capes and shook his head; confused. He dropped the pastries in shock. Niall and Harry laughed it off.

"It's. . . uncanny," Zayn whispered.


Suddenly, Bob decided now was a good time to chase after Niall's cat, Nandos. That sent Nandos off running and Niall called after her. Harry's cat, Dusty, started chasing Bob, which made Harry call out after him as well.

Dusty noticed them head down a dead-end path and decided he would take an alternative route to get there. Once Bob had Nandos cornered, he started slowly approaching to her and growling.

"Look who's a long way from the palace."

"Don't get any ideas, Bob. I don't get these nails failed for nothing," she meowed.

"I'll take my chances."

Just as Bob was about to pounce on poor little Nandos, Dusty jumped down from a rooftop, standing in between them. "I'm warning you, leave her alone!"

"Or what?" Bob barked, laughing slightly. "You'll spit a hairball at me?"

Dusty barked as loud as he could and that managed to scare Bob off. He ran out and Nandos smiled, slowly walking towards him. "Quite a big bark you have there, Rover."

"Uh, it's uh, Dusty, not Rover."

"Well, thank you Dusty, not Rover," she purred, her tail sweeping against his face. "My name's Nandos."

"Uh, I haven't seen you around here before."

"I don't think we run in the same circles," Nandos began, "but. . . perhaps we can change that."

The two moved closer to each other, but Niall and Harry came running over. They each picked up their pets.

"There you are!"

Dusty barked and Niall looked confused. "Did I just hear your cat. . . bark?"

"He has a style that's all his own," Harry shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," Zayn interrupted. He walked closer to Niall and nodded back to the main roads. "We should be getting back."

Niall agreed and looked at Harry. "One day you must sing for us at the palace."

"Really?" he grinned.

"I'll send someone for you," Niall nodded.

"I'll be at Madame Carp's."

"Goodbye Harry! I won't forget."

"Goodbye," Harry called back. He looked down at Dusty who was very quiet all of a sudden. "Dusty. Dusty? Cat got your tongue? Come on, boy."

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