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There in Dagur's island Dagur was stitching hiccup because he got shot by an arrow threw his shoulder

[Hiccup] you promise we will take berk down why haven't we've done it yet

[Dagur] you're right I did promise well take down but patience is everything

[Hiccup] patience I've been waiting for far too long this ends tonight

[Dagur] what if it deosnt brother

[Hiccup] dont call me brother I'm not you're brother remember you only saved me but you're not my famaly

Then hiccup walks out of the cave

Meantime on berk

[Ruff] Astrid how are we gonna make him remember us

[Astrid] were his friends remember Snotlout is hiccups cousin fishlegs has known hiccup almost all his life and us , hes gotta remember us

[Ruff] if he deosnt

Then Stoick walks in

[Stoick] if he deosnt were gonna knock him out

[Astrid] stoick you're not considering hurting you're own son

[Stoick] look hiccup said that we killed his famaly but what If we prove him wrong

[Ruff] what are you saying Stoick

[Stoick] the only thing I'm saying is that i want in

[Astrid] well we need all the help we can get to try and defeat hiccup hes only been brain wash so i guess that could work

[Stoick] good its seddle were gonna capture hiccup then but no crossbows

[Astrid] no crossbows got it

Meantime with Dagur

[Dagur] hiccup were going to berk you ready

[Hiccup] ready but I'm not taking a shot for you this time

[Dagur] got it

Then back to berk

[Astrid] alright guys got the traps ready

[Fishlegs] yeah ready to go

[Astrid] good because here they come

Then some boats were approaching berk it was Dagur and hiccup

[Dagur] well guess we meet again

[Astrid] we want hiccup back to us

[Dagur] sorry girl but hes with us now

[Astrid] hiccup you've got to remember us were yoire friends

[Hiccup] I dont know who's hiccup and I dont have friends just Dagur

Then Stoick pops out

[Stoick] son

Then hiccup points at Stoick

[Hiccup] you , you killed my mother and sentence my father to prison for a crime he did not commit I will avenge my mother's death by yourse

[Stoick] hiccup you dont understand whatever Dagur was telling you was all a lie

[Hiccup] the only one whos  ,lying here is berk ,ITS MORPHING TIME, RPM GET IN GEAR

Hiccup then was in his black power ranger

[Hiccup] now let's take care of business

Then hiccup pulls out his sword and charges at his gang then the first one he attacks was Snotlout then he pushes him and hits tuff and Ruff but dishlegs somehow manages to knock hiccups sword pit of his hand then hiccup punched him knocking him out

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