finale chapter

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Hey guys this is gonna be my last chapter okay but I already thinking of my next storie so enjoy this chapter so if you made it this far thank you so much at the bottom of my heart thank you all


It was early morning and Astrid was getting up and went to the kitchen and sees Hiccup making breakfast

So Astrid snuck up behind him  and hugged Hiccup and covered his eyes

[Astrid] guess who

[Hiccup] is it the love of my life

[Astrid] guessed right

Hiccup turned around and Astrid layed her arms around Hiccups neck and Hiccup grabbed Astrid by the waist and there lips touched

[Astrid] so what are you making

[Hiccup] ahh some fish

[Astrid] hmm Hiccup hows you're arm

[Hiccup] neh fine it bearly hurts now

Astrid layed her head on Hiccups chest and she stood there

[Astrid] Hiccup promise me if we do have a wedding I want to dance like this

[Hiccup] I'll promise you this a dance and a wedding oh besides I'm gonna visit my dad I just want to see if hes still shook after the incident yesterday

[Astrid] oh take some breakfast with you

[Hiccup] no thanks I'll be alright

Astrid smiles as she looks at Hiccup exiting the door

Hiccup went to his father's house and knocked at the door and stocked answered the door

[Stoick] Hiccup is everything alright

[Hiccup] its Astrid

[Stoick] yeah

[Hiccup] I'm gonna ask her to marry me

[Stoick] huh Hiccup ooh

Hiccup and Stoick hugged and Stoick invited Hiccup inside and they drank some coffee

[Stoick] so how are you gonna propose to het

[Hiccup] well I was thinking of when this is over between stopping Dagur I'm gonna propose to her

[Stoick] why not right now

[Hiccup] well I just want to propose to her when Dagur is stopped because if Dagur knows about me and Astrid then hes gonna find out about me and Astrid using Astrid against me

[Stoick] but if you do it right now then if Dagur manages to kill you then when are you gonna propose to her

[Hiccup] huh dad its gonna be a hard decision

Hiccup took a sip of his coffee

Meantime with the gang

Astrid was washing her hair and as she was walking out of her room with her axe Ruff was at the door

[Ruff] good morning Astrid

[Astrid] good morning Ruff Hiccup already made breakfast for us

[Ruff] where is he now

[Astrid] Hiccup said he was going to his dad he wanted to check on him after the incident yesterday after master shot almost killed Stoick

[Ruff] oh right if Stoick died in that event then who do you think is gonna be the next chief of berk

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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