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the next morning tae woke up wrapped tightly in jungkook's arms. he tried his best to quietly sneak away, only to be pulled back down by jungkook.

"babe..," he groaned, softly, "don't go."

"i'm just gonna go wash up. it'll only take a second," tae said, smiling to himself at the fact that jungkook didn't want him to leave.

"okay, hurry back."

tae stood up, but quickly laid back down when he felt the cold air hit him. he completely forgot he was naked. he pulled the covers back over himself, embarrassed.

jungkook opened one of his eyes and looked over at him.

"what's wrong?"

tae calmed down when he realized jungkook hadn't been watching him.

"m-my clothes. they're on the floor by your side of the bed. can you hand them to me?"

"hmm- i don't think i want to."



"please. i don't wanna do this right now."

"you're gonna have to walk over here and get them yourself then," jungkook said, with a smirk.

"stop teasing."

"fine. you're no fun."

jungkook reached over and grabbed taehyung's briefs, but nothing else.

"here," jungkook said, handing them to him.

"and the rest?"

"nope. that's all you're getting."

"fuck you," tae said, trying to hide his smile.

"w-what was that? you want me to fuck you?" he said, hovering over taehyung and pinning his arms down.

tae rolled over and got on top of jungkook, switching positions with him.

"no. i wanna take a shower."

tae rolled over to the edge of the bed and slid on his underwear. he ran over and quickly threw on his shirt from the floor. the shirt barely came to his thighs, allowing them to be on full display.

"you're sexy," jungkook said, admiring him.

taehyung just laughed, blushing slightly as he headed to shower.


after tae got out of the shower, he put a towel around his waist and headed for their closet. he pulled out his big hoodie that jungkook had got him and a pair of sweatpants.

walking back out, he saw that jungkook had fallen back asleep. he walked over and started kissing him, water still dripping from his hair.

"wake up," tae said, softly.

jungkook tried to pull taehyung back into the bed, but he resisted.

"we're late for school and i really think we should go."

"whyyyy?" jungkook asked, whiningly.

"because, we only have like six more months of school left. after that we never have to go back to stupid fucking high school ever again. we might as well just finish strong."

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