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Ok no.
I wiped my tears away.
Then I started to hyperventilate in front of him.
In front of Tord.
What do I do?
Do I let him in?
Hug him?
Smack him?
Imma smack him-

"Oh. My. God."

Aaand here's Edd.
Guess I can't smack Tord right now.

"Tord?! We thought you...died?"

"Well Edd, I didn't. However, I did get badly damaged...both physically and mentally..."

" to explain why you're here then?"

"Well...after the whole robot incident thing...I um, I've been thinking about what I've done and... I'm sorry."

"It's a bit too late to apologize Tord."

"I know but-"

"But what Tord? Even though I don't really care about what happened in the past, it still hurts. You've hurt all of us badly...especially Tom."


Tord and Edd both look towards me.

"I uh, I don't really want to talk about it right now Edd."

"Come on Tom! Tell him how he hurt you! I can't bear to see your drunk ass crying on my shoulder anymore. It makes me sad to see you like that, and it's my responsibility to keep you and Matt safe and happy."

"Edd please! We don't need to talk about this now. We could talk about it inside, where no one can eavesdrop on us. Plus it's still movie night, and I'm pretty sure Matt picked out a movie by now and is watching it while we're speaking."

We all hear Matt laugh at a cheesy romance scene. Ew.

"You're right Tom...I understand. If you don't want to talk about it I won't force you."

"Um...guys? I'm still here."

We look towards Tord.
Oh yeah. He exists.
Edd sighs.

"Okay Tord, whatever you want to tell me we'll talk about it tomorrow. Like what Tom said, it's movie night, so let's just calm down and get some rest. Don't think I've forgiven you. We still need to know the reason you're here and make sure you don't have another giant robot to kill us with."

"Yes I understand."

"Also, you'll be staying with me tonight. I can't have you stay with Matt because he might freak out and I can't have you stay with Tom because of...personal problems."


I go back to the living room where Matt is and immediately stop the movie.

"Hey! I was watching that!"

"Too bad Matt, we didn't agree to watch this movie."

Matt started making a pouting face and it was ugly as shit. Of course he's not entirely terrible looking.

Edd and Tord soon followed into the living room.
Looks like Edd already showed Tord his room since his bags aren't with him.

"Eeeedd Tim's being mean agaaain!"

"It's Tom."


"What the fuck you're not my parent."

"Well I guess I don't know you then."

"Matt are...are you high?"

We look towards Edd.

"Matt, if you haven't noticed, Tord's here."

"Oh hi- wait a minute. Tord...that sounds familiar...*gasp* YOU'RE THE ONE THAT PUNCHED MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!"

"Oh wow, you do remember me."


"Do I take that as a compliment or as an insult?"

"OH- oh...oh...I don't know."

We were very disappointed in him.
At least we resumed movie night.
We settled on a horror movie since Tord was the guest and he picked it for us.

During the movie I kept thinking about Tord.
He was sitting on the couch.
Right next to me.
Usually I would push him away, but I've missed his presence.
His warmth is enough to make me feel like the cold air around us no longer exists.
I love how even in the coldest of days, he still warms me up.
Even if he's not cuddling with me.
Agh get it together Tom!
Just watch the movie.
Think about the movie instead.
Every character sucks.
I just need to get through the night.

Throughout the whole night I suffered.
How did I end up like this?

When the movie was done me and Matt both stood up and said our goodbyes to Edd and Tord.
We both went to our own apartments. When I returned to my own apartment I got ready for bed and immediately flopped down on my bed.  I don't know if Tord coming back cured my depression or made it worse. I start to close my eyes, but then I realize I left my new bottles of Smirnoff at Edd's place. It's too late to get them right now though...guess I'll just get them tomorrow. Wait...but I already opened one of the bottles right? Oh well, that one's a goner. Time to go to sleep. I need energy so I can stay up tomorrow night to drink my problems away. That's all I've been doing since nobody, except for Edd, can properly comfort me. Wow I feel lonely.


I slowly open my eyes. The sunlight peeking through my curtains and laying a light blanket of warmth on top of me. I crawl out of bed and get ready for the day. I pull on my blue hoodie, black pants, and my checkered shoes. I opened the front door and started heading to Edd's place. Same old same old. The only thing that was different though was seeing Tord help Edd cook breakfast. Edd saw me and pointed to the table. Yeah yeah, I know the routine. I set up the table with culinary, plates, and mugs. Hopefully Tord doesn't notice me-

"Oh hey Tom!"


"O-oh hi Tord."

I fucking stuttered.
I'm such a mess.

"Wow I've never seen you help set up the table before."

"Oh shut up. I'm only doing this cuz Edd got more stressed after you-know-what happened. Now he's paying rent for both him and Matt cuz Matt is being lazy and isn't going to his job like he's supposed to."

"Oh...I see."

After that it's been pretty awkward between us. Thankfully Matt arrived a few minutes later. Now I don't have to glance over at Tord and expect him to say something to me. We all sit down and start eating.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask you Tord."

"Hm? What is it Edd?"

"Remember what we've talked about last night when you came back?"


"I think it's time to answer a couple important questions that we've been wondering, or well, I've been wondering."

"Oh uh, okay."

"Where did you go for the past few years? And why did you come back now?"

We all stared at him waiting for an answer.

At least I wasn't the one who asked.
I would've stuttered at every word.

(1139 words UwU, also yes I edited a few words so sorry for the notification)

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