• coffee shops •

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warnings: one cuss word, mentions of fights between parents, mentions of bullying

word count: 873

requested? nope!

this one is super cute in my opinion! i really enjoy it!

As the group of six entered the almost-empty coffee shop, they closed their umbrellas that they no longer would need.

It was raining cats and dogs outside, but the group didn't mind. The day was their day off; every single one of theirs.

They set their umbrellas in a small bin marked 'Umbrellas' next to the door.

Crowding into a booth, the group couldn't stop smiling. Agnes grinned a bit as she headed over to the table when she saw one of her regular customers among the others.

"Hey, Agnes, how are you doing?" He asked as she approached.

Agnes gave him a smile as she pulled out her pencil and notepad. "I'm good. And you, Five?"

Five waved a hand. "I'm fine."

"I see you brought some family?" She asked uncertainly.

Five nodded. "You've seen correct. These are my brothers and sisters: Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, and Vanya."

He had pointed to each sibling as he said their names, and Agnes sent each a warming smile.

"Alright," She said. "What can I get for my favorite customer and his wonderful family?"

Five smirked at his siblings as he listed out their orders. "...and I'll have my regular black coffee."

"On it," Agnes replied.

"So you come here often?" Allison asked.

"Yeah," Five answered. "It's a nice way to spend my days. I don't normally come at this time though."

Luther nodded. "And what, Agnes is familiar with you?"

"No shit," Five chuckled. "I'm a regular now."

"Even though the first time you came here you practically freaked the lady out?" Klaus giggled.

Five rolled his eyes playfully, too happy to even send a snarky remark.

The group continued to chatter on about life: mainly about how Allison finally got custody of Claire, and how she'd be moving here permanently, how Luther finally got a job researching the moon, how Diego began boxing again and tried out for the police force, how Klaus was now a month sober, how Five had solved the apocalypse matter, saved the world, and was now working at a research center, and, finally, how Vanya became a famous violinist, performing all over.

Life was good at the moment, and none of the siblings could deny it.

Meanwhile, Agnes took forever getting the coffees done because she was constantly glancing over at the clock.

Her newest coworker, a 15-year-old girl named y/n, was late.

It was only her first week here, but Agnes had grown attached to the young, lovely girl. But, she assured herself, she could always call the police: or get Five to help her.

Agnes shrugged it off, taking a moment to drift away and stare at Five's family.

Just then, a young girl with e/c eyes and h/c hair stepped in. She was soaking wet, her uniform, her hair, and her skin were covered in rain.

The group of six turned to her and inhaled sharply.

"Embarrassing," Klaus whispered.

Luther nodded.

"Agnes I am so, so, so, so sorry that I'm late it's just that I stayed up late last night studying because on Monday I have a huge World History test and I decided that it'd be a good idea to take a little nap and—"

Agnes cut y/n off. "You're fine, sweetie. But, uh." She pointed to y/n's soaked body.

Y/n nodded. "It's fine," she said. "I can work wet. It'll dry anyway."

Agnes shook her head. "Go dry up in the back. Then you can give this group their order."

Y/n thanked Agnes before disappearing to the back of the store.

Y/n came back fully dried.

"Weird," Luther muttered. "Do they have towels and a hair dryer back there?"

Vanya shrugged. "Maybe it happens often?"

Agnes nodded towards the orders on the table then nodded towards the group's table.

Y/n placed each cup of coffee (and Diego and Vanya's eclairs) onto a tray. She wobbly made her way towards their table.

As she approached, she slipped on a stray button that had made its way to the floor. Everything went flying up into the air and down onto y/n.

She lay on the floor in a heap of coffee, one of the eclairs smashed on her head.

Y/n was shocked, but she scrambled to stand up and clean the mess.

"I'm so sorry! I-I'm such a klutz! I didn't mean to drop anything it's just—" she paused. Her life had been going down, down, down. And when she hit rock bottom, she began to dig.

School was baring down on her, her parents had been fighting often, her brother enjoyed making fun of her, and she been bullied at school ever since the beginning of the year.

And now, this.

"Again, I'm sorry," she continued, trying not to cry in front of these strangers. "I'll get you new ones right away, no need to pay again—"

As y/n turned to go, she stumbled again. Before she could fall, though, Five caught her.

They stared into each other's eyes before Five smiled softly. "It's no problem. We can help you pick it up."

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