Chapter Five: Ms. No Name

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A loud chime fills the air. A very unfamiliar sound to my ears. 

I look around the room that I will be inhabiting for the next few months. It's very bland. No color, no warmth, and definitely no life. Shocking. That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell. 

I find the only empty seat and bring out a book as I sit. Almost immediately though, I feel something. Eyes. From where? They happen to be coming from the girl across the room. I try not to look, but she won't stop staring. I know she probably thinks she's being inconspicuous, but anyone could tell that she clearly is not. It's blatant staring and I don't know why. 

After a few more moments I decide to forget about it and continue reading. The thing is, weeks have passed and she hasn't gotten tired yet. I almost want to scream at her why, but somehow I seem to control myself day in and day out. 

I think by now I'm almost comforted by her constant gaze. While everything around me continues to change, she doesn't. She still has long brown locks that fall in her face. Her vibrant green eyes are still always plastered to my face. Of course maybe not always, because when she happens to look away I'm looking at her. Only for a split second, but that second is what I look forward to all day. 

Maybe one day I'll finally ask Ms. No Name why she looks, but for now I'll continue to ponder on my own.

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