Season 1 Episode 12 - Nowhere

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Penguin told Jim Gordon that it was Bonnie who killed Clay.
Fish was proud of Bonnie and had her concerns about Penguin.

Bonnie takes her hand through her dark hair and says "Look, I got no idea who he is!" Jim slams his hand down on the table and says "Where were you on the night of 3rd of October at midnight?!" Bonnie shouts back "With Fish! Go and ask her if you don't believe me!" Bullock pulls Jim back from the table and ushers Jim out of the room and says "We're getting nowhere here, I'll speak to Fish and you stay here and interrogate little miss Fish Mooney the second" and Jim nods and scoffs.

Fish is inside the nightclub painting her nails when Bullock walks into the office of the nightclub and Fish stands up and says "Harvey what a pleasant surprise" Bullock says "I'm not here for old times sake, I'm here in official police business" Fish says "Well if I can help" Bullock says "Where was Bonnie Waits on October 3rd at midnight?" Fish's eyebrows furrow and she says "Well she was here with me filling out paperwork" and Bullock looks at Fish.

Bonnie takes a drink of her bottled water and stands up and she walks around the police interrogation room and Bonnie looks outside the side window and sees Penguin and Jim Gordon together and she gasps and mutters "That little shit head".

Ryan is sitting at the dining table when Fish walk in and she asks "How you doing?" Ryan looks at Fish and says "Stressed! What's going on?! I mean did she do this?" Fish says "Of course not! Bon could never kill, it's not in her. Look Honey just be patient she'll be home soon back to you and Jordan" and Ryan nods.

Bullock walks to Jim and says "Release her" Jim stands up and asks "Wait, What?" Bullock says "Her alibi checked out, she was filling out paperwork at the club with Fish when Clay Donovan got killed. She's not our killer" and Jim clenches his jaw.

Bullock opens the door and Bonnie says "I've been here for hours, when are you idiots gonna release me" Bullock says "You can leave, looks like your alibi checked out" and Bonnie smirks and says "If course it did Harvey" and she stands up and walks out of the interrogation room.

Bonnie returns home.
A death rocks Bonnies world.
Bonnie tells Fish all.

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