One last time - part two

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Part two of
one last time
Listen with the song as usual

Peter stumbled out of the girls bed, shuffling his things together, placing back on the suit.

Peter took one last look at her from the window, he couldn't stand the thought of not seeing her for almost two years.

Peter almost didn't leave, but soon enough he was traveling through the night sky of queens again, back home to grab his things, and leave for Europe.

It was months later now,
Peter was doing well on the mission with the avengers. He spent more time training and fighting than he did on school work, so that started slipping.

I won't cry, and I will not start to crumble.

The same couldn't be said for MJ. She'd figured out how to handle junior year, and she was doing well.

She hung out with some of the members of the academic decathlon
But mostly just Ned. Every couple months out of the blue Ned would say
"He's still alive" to Michelle, even when she hadn't asked.

She tried to hide the hurt, she never asked about him, although it killed her.
Ned kept in contact with peter, but MJ didn't.

The last time they'd talked was when he first left, only because peter had texted the group chat with Ned and Mj in it. Other than that, it was nothing.

It took her months to stop checking her phone often, Incase he'd texted her and she just didn't hear it.

Eventually, she'd accepted he wasn't going to text her.

They were both stubborn.
Peter waited for MJ to text first. She didn't.
Peter waited for MJ.

All I know is I won't go speechless

He never gained an interest in other girls while in Europe.
Peter thought about her constantly.
But eventually, not as much.

MJ expected to hear from Ned that he'd be back to visit during the summer, but he didn't.

Senior year began.

MJ was more alone.
Peter was the glue that brought Ned and Michelle together in the first place, and now that he wasn't there, they didn't spend as much time together.
Ned had Betty.

The night of prom came, and Mj suddenly remembered peter had said he would be back before prom. But he wasn't.
Mj went to prom. Surprisingly.

Michelle wore her hair loose, her curls had decided to work with her that night, and a yellow dress.

Dances weren't her thing, but this was senior prom, so she had to put in effort.

Her dress was a sunny yellow, and reached her ankles. It should have reached the floor, but she was tall.
But I was Mj, so she of course wore her black converse.

The corsage she wore was yellow with hints of baby blue. The corsage flash gave her.

Michelle looked stunning.

The prom was actually pretty fun to her,
Ned, Betty and some others on the team, they all had fun as a group dancing.

Mj didn't feel alone like she had for the past year. That night was the first time she really smiled in a while.

Some of the music slowed down and couples filled the floor. Michelle quickly left the floor to the side of the gym, grabbing punch.

There was a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and there stood Peter Parker. In a tux. On prom night.

She didn't know what to say, so she waited for him to speak first.

Peter didn't ask, he grabbed her hand leading her to the floor.

His hands rested around her waist and reluctantly hers on his shoulders.

It was different now.

"You look beautiful" Peter spoke, their eyes connected to each other's

"Therefore I have value?" She asked raising an eyebrow

"No! Not at all" Peter said. He had changed. In a conversation like this he'd get flustered and stutter. Now he wasn't.

"I told you I'd be back, didn't I?"
Peter said with a sly smile

"How'd you even get in here?" Michelle questioned glancing away to the door

"Snuck in." He shrugged

"I told you I'd be back" he repeated, softer this time.

"And like I said. I still love you Michelle Jones." He started

"I wouldn't stop thinking about you while I was away. Time couldn't move fast enough" peter continued

"And if you won't take me back, I'll fight for you. Because we're meant to be. Michelle you're my soulmate, and I know one day I'll be able to show you that at the end of an aisle"
Peter said, his face lighting up

"Peter-" she tried to interrupt

"Mj I know but-"

"I came with flash" She interrupted.

Peters face dropped


I will take these broken wings and learn to fly

He didn't understand. And at the same time it was his worst nightmare. He'd already lost her, he couldn't loose her to flash.
Peter wasn't over protective, but he was a jealous boyfriend. When they had been together and boys flirted with her, he'd grow jealous quickly.

"Yeah" She said quietly.

Peters hands dropped from her waist
"Oh- congratulations" he forced.
Before anything else could be said, he walked away.

Word count: 866 words

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