Ch. 2

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A few Hours Later...

As Harrison arrived in the parking lot, he sees Judy sitting on the hood of their battered SUV, reading. Filled with dread, Harrison trudges slowly towards Judy, looking down as he walks towards her. Arriving with a few steps away from the SUV, Judy closes the book and crossed her legs as she faces Harrison with stern posture.



Harrison, unable to look at Judy, digs his hands deeper in his pocket, trying to keep his hands warm from the cold.

"I think I owe you an apology."

"You think?!"

"I mean-"

Harrison takes a deep breath, thinking over the best approach towards her.

"What I said was stupid," Harrison explains. "I didn't mean to say that I was unthankful. I am really glad being with you. I really am. I just... I just want the best for you."

"The best for me?"

Harrison shudders from the Autumn wind, tightly wrapping his arms together to block the strong breeze.

"I still love you," Harrison answers. "I mean it. I really do. Even though we don't get things we want in life, I am still happy that I got a chance to be with the most amazing person in the world. By my side. Forever."

Judy looks at Harrison with tears in her eyes, wiping them quickly from her eyes.

"Do you mean it?" Judy said tearfully.

"Yeah, I do. Come here."

Judy and Harrison embraced. Hugging each other tightly.

"Oh, and Judy?"


"Can I have my jacket back? I'm freezing."

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