It's The Werewolf Angst Fella's

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Five days. It had been five days since she'd last seen Jacob, since he stormed out of the movie theater.

She'd called him the next day, to no answer. She'd tried the house phone, but his dad picked up instead, said Jacob had mono.

Mono her ass.

Fuck. Fuck this couldn't be happening. He did not just disappear the literal day he promised to never leave her. That- he wouldn't do that. She could trust him.

But, then again, she'd thought that about someone else before.

No, no Jacob wasn't- wasn't him. He was different. He cared. Actually, and genuinely. He let her do things she wanted to do, he let her be her own person.

He let her feel safe, instead of captive.

Edwards 'protection' had been to isolate her, keep her all to himself. Though, she had followed him willing.

But Jacob, Jacob didn't mind when she had to go to work, or do school stuff, or hang with her dad. It wasn't a special occasion, he just felt no need to control her.

And that was nice goddammit. She liked who she'd become since she'd started hanging out with Jacob.

And now that was all gone. Now she was alone.

Fucking again.

She spammed him for a day, begging for an answer, until her dad suggested that she give him some breathing room.

That led to her having a panic attack over her being a burden to him. Something she never fucking wanted to be.

Charlie, after the third day, sat her down.

"Listen, Bells." he started, hands tapping. "You, uh, seem really broken up about this. I just, don't want this turning into another Edward situation."

Bella sighed. "No, it won't. Edward- shit. It wasn't him leaving that upset me, necessarily. It was the realization that I had nothing without him. That's changed. I have stuff now, I have my job, and you, and I've even been talking to this lady that wants to open up a town art gallery. I'm doing stuff, dad. I'm just. Confused. We were fine, he was fine, everything was fine. But, then it wasn't."

"And it's not like him to just shutdown."

Bella shook her head. "Whenever there was something bothering him, he always came to me, always talked it out. He was good about that. So this, this is weird."

Charlie hummed and leaned back in his seat. "I say give him a few more days. He really could just be sick."

Then two days passed. Five days total. No Jacob.

She snapped.

It was raining, and shitty out, and she felt justified. Something was wrong, and even the fucking sky knew it.

She pulled into his driveway, and saw Jacob walking towards the garage.

Of course, she almost didn't recognize him, since his hair was so short it didn't even touch his ears.

Originally, she was going to be calm, but stern.

But, seeing him out in the rain, hair short, no shirt, she lost what little patience she had scrounged up.

"What the fuck, Jacob!" she roared as she slammed her truck door shut.

He stopped in his tracks, not facing her.

"I thought you were too sick to leave the house, or pick up when I called. But here you fucking are, with a fucking haircut and tattoo?" she pointed angrily at the design on his shoulder.

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