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It was a dark nite, and there was a storm brewing in the distance, Andy told Patrick not to fall in love with a human. Patrick never listened to him. There was few people in the waiting room that Andy noticed. Most were just staring at him, as he waited for his creation to step out of the room, a creator himself. Minutes turn to hours, and hours into the next day. The storm was currently over the hospital, threatening to cut off power. Finally the doctors emerge, followed by the two men you knew as Patrick and Pete, carrying their new child. The small child, half human, half god, was swaddled by Patrick as Pete gently talks to his new daughter. The two approach Andy with awe in their eyes.

"Look what we made Andy. Isn't she beautiful?"

"You'll regret the decision to ever leave me. Falling in love with a measly human was your first mistake, and Ryan's too. I disown you and your stupid brother." With that the god opens a portal and disappears through it.

"Did Andy just curse us?" Pete asks gently not wanting to disturb the sleeping child. 

"I hope not." Suddenly the doors burst open and two boys, slightly younger than Patrick and Pete, come running in.

"I made it Patty. I'm late but I made it. Where is she?" The younger brother of Patrick pants. Patrick walks over to Ryan, and gently hands off the baby. Ryan gently rocks the child back and forth, admiring his niece. The child opens her eyes and notices the god towering over her, smiling down. Brendon peers over his lovers shoulder and examines the baby. Seeing the two together, she smiles. Pete gently takes his daughter back.

"What are you naming her?" Brendon asks.

"Alexandria Nicole Stumph-Wentz." Patrick answers for Pete.

"Beautiful, just like her." Ryan comments. The hospital staff releases Patrick from the hospital with Alexandria early because of his godlike healing. They reach the Peterick house, and notice it's been trashed. Nothing was missing, just lots of broken things. 'You're not my son' was graffittied onto the wall in the hallway and 'You're not a god anymore' was also written on the living room wall, finally 'Filthy mundanes, you're daughter is cursed' was on the nursery wall. Andy.

"What does he mean? She can't be cursed, he never physically touched her." Patrick holds his precious daughter to his chest.

Ally's 5th birthday was today, and she knew her fathers wouldn't let her go without a party with tons of presents and friends. Seeing her fathers walk in the house, relieving the babysitter was exciting. What could they have brought home for her? They walk over to her and pat her head smiling. 

"You're going to have the best birthday ever." Patrick smiles at her. "Daddy Pete is gonna go get your presents while we hang out and make cookies."

"Yay cookies." Ally dance dances around the kitchen while Patrick gathers cookie ingredients. They were putting the final batch of cookies on the plate when Patrick stiffens up and falls back. "Oh no, daddy! Daddy wake up." She nudges Patrick a little and he stands back up.

"What happened? Ally, why are you here? Go back to your room where you belong, no one wants to see your face." Patrick bitterly says. Ally pouts a bit, but does as he says. Maybe dad Pete will save her, and help dad Patty get better. She suddenly remembers uncles Ryan and Brendon and hopes they come to her party. Pete comes into her room an hour later, and throws Ally a box. She quickly opens it and sees it's just a box of rocks. Pete laughs and closes the door. She pouts a little more and hopes someone will let her out of her room before her party. It's really late and Ally's getting sleepy, the door to her bedroom opens and uncle Ryan pokes his head in the door.

"I don't know what's up with your dads, but Brendon and I are gonna take you out for your birthday. Come on, we're going to Playtime Pizza." He holds out his hand and Ally runs to go out with her favorite uncle (don't tell Brendon he isn't her favorite). Sadly though, after she gets back, Ally never gets to hang out with her uncles again for eight more years. Pete and Patrick started treating her like she didn't matter since she was five. They always said it was because they knew she could never be as successful as her dads. Finally on her 13th birthday, Ryan sneaks into her house and brings her out.

"Ally, go back to your room. Nobody wants to see your hideous face!" Pete yells at her.

"Why can't you be as successful as us? Oh wait its because your a terrible person." Patrick adds.

"Why are you so mean to your own daughter? She's gorgeous, and she can't be successful because she can't leave her room." Ryan questions.

"She isn't that great Ryan. You know it, you're just trying to make her feel better." Pete says.

"What happened to you two? First you don't let me see her for eight years and then you basically disown her. Are you becoming Andy?"

"Don't ever talk about him in my house again." Patrick spits his words.

"Andy, Andy, Andy." Brendon teases.

"Get the f*ck out of my house now, both of you." Pete pushes them out the door.

"Fine, but we're taking Ally with us." Ryan grabs her hand and pulls her out with him and Brendon. Ally is taken back to her uncles house, and notices how small it looks outside. "It's actually much bigger, it's just underground. Andy kinda kidnapped me, and then threatened to be back. So now Brendon made us move into a bunker." Ally nods in understanding and is shown to her new room. A little kid runs into the room and starts talking 90 miles an hour.

"Woah, little dude, calm down. Why don't you introduce yourself?" Brendon says.

"Hi, I'm Ryden, what's your name." He says.

"I'm Ally...... wait your name is Ryden. Are you..."

"Ryden is our son." Brendon clears up.

"You have a son? How does that work? Was it like Patrick and me?" Ally starts worrying.

"No, I'll explain it to you later, because Ryden doesn't know about that kind of thing yet." 

"Don't know about what Dad?" Ryden asks.

"Nothing little dude. Go play with your other dad."

"Okee." He squeaks and runs off.

"Ryan did something really terrible, but in the end we got Ryden out of it. So it wasn't too bad."

Ryden is one of my OTPs. It's the cutest thing ever. Why does Petericks kid have anything to do with Ryden? Well this is the 'behind the story' thing. It'll all make sense later, when you learn the story. Also this is just a little half chapter to set up the story, the other chapters will be longer.

I'm Brittney and this is my colourless life.

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