The Tower

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Mike's heart pounded in his chest at the sight of the thing. The Jabberwock regarded the small group of people in its master's home, then opened its mouth to let out a cry that made him think of a pterodactyl on steroids. Jabberwock saliva misted the entire room, and everyone covered their ears to shut out the cry.

Daisy bolted, vanishing down the stairs and leaving a glittering trail behind her. Zel made a break for it, and the Jabberwock lunged for her, leaving a bloody gash in her hindquarters with a claw before she vanished down the stairs.

The beast's long arm swept away the chaise lounge and busted apart the bed frame, hissing its displeasure that the centaur had escaped. When it whipped its head around, it managed to catch Mike in the chest, knocking him across the room where he fell against a bookshelf. The shelves were old, busting apart and showering him with dust and splinters.

"Tink fuck up ugly dragon!" Flipping the lenses of her goggles into place, she stood up and charged the Jabberwock, her club held high. It took a swing at her and missed when she jumped over its hairy paw and slammed her club into its face. The Jabberwock let out a sinister hiss, steam venting from its nostrils.

"Tink, get out of here," Mike cried, moving toward the stairs along the outer wall.

Ratu summoned a ball of fire that splashed across the beast's hide, scorching the hairs all along its body. The room filled with a sulfuric odor of burnt hair, causing Mike to gag and then spit. When the Jabberwock swung its attention toward the naga, she made a fist with one hand and slammed it into the open palm of her other. A stone ripped free of the wall and smashed into the Jabberwock's snout, causing it to shift away from her.

"Stinky dragon go now," Tink yelled, then smashed her club onto the Jabberwock's hand. Two of its talons broke off, and it blew a blast of steam at her from its nose. Tink dodged away as Ratu smashed the Jabberwock with another stone, sending the steam harmlessly across the floor.

This time, the Jabberwock grabbed the first stone that had hit it and hurled it back at the naga. She yelped and summoned a blue aura around herself, but the hit knocked her off her feet. Tink saw this and shrieked in rage, smashing the Jabberwock in the jaw with her club. Its teeth crunched together with a loud pop.

Mike couldn't move. Smoke and steam had filled the room, and it hurt to breathe. He couldn't even call to Tink, his heart racing so fast he was afraid he would pass out. Swallowing his fear, he ran over to where Ratu was lying and dragged her away from the fight. Tink was much faster than the Jabberwock and seemed to be faring pretty well in keeping its attention. It made a grab for her but she squirted out of its busted hand. Whirling her club around, she smashed another talon, cracking it down the middle.

"Ratu? Ratu?" The naga was unconscious, but alive. Spotting a pair of rats hidden under a toppled bookshelf, he had them drag her into the sealed room that they had come from. The Jabberwock couldn't reach her here. Satisfied that she was safe for the time being, he peered around the corner to see what was happening.

"Tink smash stinky dragon into jam!" She sidestepped another blast of steam that scoured the stone beneath her clean of debris. The creature was clearly frustrated, extending its serpentine neck to headbutt her. Its head was larger than she was, and one of its long fangs caught her ankle when she tried to roll away.

"Tink, get out of there!" His heart raced frantically and his stomach churned; he was so scared he felt like he was going to throw up.

"Husband run first, Tink follow!" She blocked an attempt to grab her, smashing another of the Jabberwock's claws.

He ran across the room to the stairs, sliding underneath a jet of steam, nearly slipping on the wet floor. His whole body was filled with ice now, danger waiting for him in every corner of the room, his magic warning him to GET OUT!

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