Chapter One

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Chapter One

"GET OUT DAVID!" I heard my mother yell from the kitchen. I closed my eyes and placed my hands over my ears, blocking out the yelling. Rocking back and forth, trying to calm myself down, I sit there on my little pink rug and cry. It's been like this for months, all the yelling, throwing things and of course door slamming.

"I HATE YOU!" My father yelled, slamming the kitchen door behind him. I could hear my mother sobbing all the way into my bedroom. I could hear her say the words of "God please take this pain away, make him the man I once loved." Wishing the same thing, I said a prayer hoping it would come true. I never know when all the screaming and arguing is gonna start, but most of the time it's after my father has had to much to drink or he spent all our money once again.

This argument was different though my father had never left the house drunk or barely able to walk. I worry for his safety on the windy country roads. I hear the wind, strong as ever making the siding of our house croak.

"Stay inside tonight as there is a strong storm coming this way" The weather guy on channel 6 states.

I say another prayer hoping I wouldn't get the phone call I had been dreading and fearing.

I pull my body up off of the rug I had once been sitting on and take a seat on my hard bed. I adjusted my pillows and laid my head down. I switch the light off and soon closing my eyes. I drifted off, Into a what seemed like an amazing sleep. Of course, up until the phone rang. Deep in my heart I knew what it was, I knew why someone was calling this late at night. I knew deep down it was most likely the hospital saying my father was in a car accident, with only minutes to live.

I was right.

I ran into the bedroom, almost falling with my knees being weak. I found my mother in tears. She looked up at me and nodded her head as if she knew I already knew. I fell on my knees and couldn't help but crying.

My father was gone.

My father wasn't ever going to call me his baby girl anymore. Nor tell me that everything's going to be okay when the world feels like it's crashing down.

My father will never threatening to kill the boys that break my heart.

My father will never walk me down the aisle nor meet his grandchildren.

My father, was gone.

"Momma, daddy's gone." I said as if it was the only words that could come out of my mouth.

"Oh baby." She cried. Pulling me into her arms, with a strong grip.

We gathered ourselves up, getting ready to go to the hospital to identify the body, to ensure it was him. I knew it was, just every bit of me wished it was someone else. My father didn't deserve this, neither did my mom. I know they argued but don't all couples? They weren't perfect but neither am I, you or even the next guy. No one is perfect.

We got into the car and started to drive. The accident was just a little down from our house. Cops still lined up and down the creek. As we drove by, they were pulling the mustang out of the water, MT as me and my father liked to call it. Me and him worked on that red beauty when I was around eleven. Ever since then he's been driving it ever since, stating it was to beautiful to sale. I always laughed looking at it because of all the memories we shared.

We drove past it, tears filling the car. Once we arrived at the hospital, my mother decided it was best for me not to join her. I nodded my head and took a seat in the waiting room. I was exhausted, so i laid my head down why waiting. I couldn't help but fall asleep from all of this nightmare.

At the moment, I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to stay asleep and wake up in my fathers arms. I just wanted him to tell me everything's going to be okay.

My father, always used to call me fearless because I was never afraid. I did everything I put my mind too, and never gave up.

Im sure as hell not feeling fearless now, Id do anything to feel that way again.

I feel nothing at the moment.

Absolutely nothing.

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