Chapter 37

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Hello! So sorry for the lack of updates, school has been hectic. I barely have time to relax, let alone write!

Im sorry this chapter is sucky. But please remember that something is going to happen soon and you'll all wish that Beauley were back to this cute, "I love you" phase ;)


Beau had dropped me home after our date. I was on cloud fucking nine when I jumped into bed. I had obviously said yes to Beau, who had practically hopped onto the table afterwards and kissed the face of me. This was crazy. I was officially Beau Brooks' girlfriend. I was his actual girlfriend.

I'd fallen asleep surprisingly quickly and I woke up early enough. I unintentionally started smiling when I thought about the night before. He had obviously been practising that speech for a while, he was terrible at all that stuff unless he was horny and was talking dirty. I mean, he had no problem telling me about all the things he'd do to me when we were alone, but the second it came to telling me anything romantic, he got nervous. It was kind of cute though.

I had dinner at the Brooks' house at four and Gina had called my mum, asking her to come too. I was terrified. I'd have to tell my mum about Beau and I didn't know how she'd take it. She'd always thought I was just friends with the boys and now that I was with Beau, I didn't know if she'd let them over as often.

I wasn't going to dress up too much for the dinner. I was just going to wear some skinny jeans and possibly a fancy top.

I headed down to the kitchen and noticed my mum sitting at the kitchen table, her glasses hanging off the tip of her nose, her dark her in a loose bun and a magazine laid out on the table. She smiled at me when she spotted me. I still felt a little weird around her but I was trying to let it go.

"Hi Hun." She called to me as I stood on my tippy toes, reaching up at the high cupboards. "Do you know why Gina asked us to go to dinner?"

I immediately felt nervous and my chest tightened. I've never told my mum about any of my earlier boyfriends, but I'd have to tell her about Beau. It was serious between us. Fuck. I was just going to get it over and done with.

"Um, Mum." I sat across from her. A worried look crossed her face. "I need to tell you something.

"Are you pregnant?" She blurted out and I laughed quietly.

"No, god no." I chuckled before realising this was it. Id never been so nervous in my entire life. I played with my fingers, feeling them shake slightly. My heart was pounding in my chest and I felt physically sick. Fuck, fuck balls, fuck.

"Thank god, I would've killed you." She laughed.

"Mum, I've a boyfriend." I spat out.

She'd widened her eyes before a smile grew on her face. I felt a lot better, the nerves lessoning. It felt as if a whole weight had been lifted off my chest. "Oh honey, that's wonderful. What's his name? Is he good looking? What age is he? Do I know him?" She questioned.

I started to panic again but I took a deep breath. May as well get it over with.

"Yes, you do. It's-"

"Is it that boy in your school? The one with the black hair. Aaron I think?"

I shook my head. "No, it's-"

"Oh is it James? You too are awfully close. He's a very sweet boy."

I scrunched up my face. "Ew no, Mum. He's practically my brother."

She smiled. "Is it the boy from the game shop? You know the hot one you were talking to the day your father went back." Ew. She said hot. Mothers can not say hot. They're old.

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