Chap 13: He's the Same

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Eunwoo's POV

The past fifteen minutes passed with neither of us talking while I let him calm down. I leaned back from my stiff position on the chair as I watched him put down the empty glass on the table, having his eyes still slightly closed. I took the opportunity to observe how his features had changed over the years, slightly leaning forward to get a better look. Catching myself when I realized I was gawking at him, I shifted my gaze down to the table and let a subtle smile form at how he looked the same. 

As I pushed myself off the chair, his eyes slowly fluttered open at the noise. Slightly panicking, I scrambled over to his side and patted his head softly to get him back to sleep. His head started leaning against my hand and I could only stare at him in awe, my heart squeezing in my chest, probably begging me to get as far away from him as possible but, my hand continued stroking his hair with the feeling of his hair against my fingertips adding onto the regret of why I was by his side. With his head resting on my hand, I let my thumb trail along his cheek as if I was wiping his tears away. 

Moving his head off my hand gently to not wake him up, I got him to rest it against the chair before I walked out of the room.


Thanks for reading ❤❤❤

Not the only update, so stay tuned ;)

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